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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. By the time you reset for a followup shot with either the time it takes to use the bolt is minimal. We aren't shooting at 50 yards here more like 200-300 so no quick second shots.
  2. Yep no deer in Ohio but you can in other states. The bolt action doesn't make it tougher unless you miss.
  3. Wouldn't say most but about a 50/50 split.
  4. They make semi-auto rifles just like the ar, no bolt, or pump
  5. This is correct, well maybe not the idiot part, I don't know you.
  6. So it's no big deal if you mess up, hit a car and die because of it. Now someone has to go through life knowing they killed someone even though it wasn't their fault.
  7. It did well in world super stock. I would think the wsbk version would go well.
  8. My wife and I are fine with the teachers having a firearm on them.
  9. I'm not sure how you would enforce #6 until after it's too late.
  10. Says the guy who only runs 2 different tracks.
  11. ^just don't ever ask John what he would do for one.
  12. I would like to amend it to take away mags freedom of speech, where do we start.
  13. That's the only people he wants to have them.
  14. What goes on inside your mind? You have some serious mental issues.
  15. Well this just used up part of my day. Can't wait for the rest.
  16. You were only going 35mph at gman, how would you know.
  17. Oh I'm not trust me. If I'm driving that far I will go to grattan every time.
  18. I won't go back there unless they fix it.
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