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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. I'm guessing this is just with the bike sitting still. That being the case I haven't owned a bike that hasn't doen that without a tune. If it runs fine while riding it I wouldn't worry, the tune would be a waste if it's all stock.
  2. Not as often as you switch bikes
  3. Add, when is the last time the plugs were changed, to that list
  4. I should be free after the first week of december when class lets out. Also, we need to try to get this in before the end of the world.
  5. I don't know of any that rent bikes. Personally I think your better off on your own bike as you are familiar with it. Novice days should be spent at your own pace learning what the classes teach you so you shouldn't be riding over your head.
  6. There is more to novice than jist learning lines, there is proper technique and over all track guidelines (entering and exiting the track ect.).
  7. Please whatever you do go to one that offers a novice class and on track instruction. This will be a huge help vs getting tossed on track with no clue what to do.
  8. My race jug has all the gas info on the bottom. It has to be on there other wise the gas station can refuse to let you use it.
  9. I should be in for one of these next year.
  10. I think you do this way too much.
  11. Another thing I catch myself doing is just running laps, not working on anything. You need to work on something every time out.
  12. Let's do it!!! For me it all depends on how much fell I have with the bike. As long as I can tell what it's doing I will push harder.
  13. lol, I forgot it was still up there, glad it's working out for you. We are fine no power issues.
  14. If you use a vacuum pump you don't need anything between the pads, that would be the easiest way.
  15. John, I say that about your wife when she is helping me.
  16. One thing I do as I'm approaching a rider is going through the corners that I will be catching them in. Once I have a rough idea I start to make a plan for 2-3 corners in case one doesn't work. This way the thinking part is done well before the corner and all I have to do is execute it. This saves the time of o on the fly thinking and having to think and execute at the same time.
  17. Brian, if your that close and already that far past them, they should be able to hear you IMO. Personally I give them the distance but if they move or ride in an odd part of the track and get within that distance I don't consider that my problem as that comes down to running consistent lines. My thing is it's A group, there will be some closer passes, as long as they are clean there shouldn't be an issue. I know a guy that I was passing out of the carousel at nelsons and I went right, he starts to move right, I said screw it and went left and as he decides to shift left we damn near hit elbows. Jinu was behind me and said I scared the crap out of the guy but there was nothing I could do as he couldn't even go in a straight line.
  18. I ran a set of pilot powers in a race in 09, loved those tires. I hear a ton of good things about the Q2s but never tried them.
  19. Looking to crash a lot?
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