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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. For a real good time with him, just pass him on the straights then completely park it.
  2. This bike is clean enough to do a line of coke off of it.
  3. ^ yea suck it Kevin. Good to see Andrew joined the OR fun.
  4. We were talking about this saturday. We thought maybe it would be a 750 turbo or supercharged then it could run motogp.
  5. Note to self, don't go to waffle house with the midget saturday.
  6. Bring it on Chuck, I'm sure we can brush elbows on the 4th
  7. I will just say that since it's an MCRA event, good luck. I still won't ride with them since the shit fest at putnam a few years ago and there was 70 bikes in I group.
  8. You're riding with the wrong organization if you are concerned with someone hitting you. In 11 years on track I have only witnessed 1.
  9. Safer as in traffic, debris, ect not safer from people riding above their ability
  10. Rusty, it was good to see you moving around, it wasn't pretty.
  11. I did well to not run anyone off but I did have a close move going into 1 that kevin had the pleasure to watch.
  12. Ok folks, I'm leaving work now and heading home to get my trailer, should be there around 5.
  13. It doesn't have the factory kill switch? How have you passed any tech for a trackday?
  14. She's still running 12's, I don't want any excuses.
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