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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. HJC rpha-10, not sure if it's an oval but it fits me like a glove and not super expensive.
  2. There was one on the tank that busted at the mount. It was still in the case running.
  3. We did find it and it was still rolling.
  4. Not going to post up a bunch of details but we are shooting for around 6 at Trumbull memorial in warren.
  5. Yes it was ugly. Steve and I are stopping out to see him tomorrow and I think Brandon is going to try and make it as well. Brandon was on it this weekend with 3 wins.
  6. I tried 2 sets, never worked. I ended up with custom ones from Big Ear. http://www.bigearinc.com/
  7. 600s and the 20. I will not be there Saturday until later.
  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I would think even a masters would only be 100k tops. My civil bachelor was about 50k total.
  9. A trackday is more like a driving range if you want to stick with the golf thing. Either way, you need to work on things riding at about 80% of your regular pace.
  10. Next time out let your coach know you are looking to bump up, they can evaluate you from there.
  11. Honestly it looks like you are rotating your foot out, do like Danny and not point your toe into the pavement.
  12. My dash display has always been within 0.1-0.2 of hand calcs, not sure if they are better on the newer models or what.
  13. Yea that's sticking out quite a bit. Try wrapping your toes around the peg like a bird on a perch, this works well for me.
  14. Any pics of you riding? It may help see what's going on.
  15. It's this one. http://www.amazon.de/Bluetooth-Datenlogger-Geotagger-KFZ-Adapter-Updaterate/dp/B002V87A9I
  16. I use a cheap gps that I put in my pocket, no phone though. I can grab the brand and let you know what it is.
  17. It's all mental, we all have sides that we favor. The only way to fix it is to work on the left hand corners. Find a section of road where you can fully see through the left handers so the fear of a car coming isn't an issue.
  18. See, they are only designed to go parade speed.
  19. That's what happens when you go over the speed the bike is designed for.
  20. This is about it, most cases people will tend to drop 2 seconds on the switch just from the added confidence.
  21. This is my whole though on college. I will also say that I have been lucky in that my work has covered mine 100%
  22. Either that or the sag and/or compression could make it sit low.
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