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Everything posted by blue03636

  1. There is no such thing. I have seen goldwings and full dress harleys.
  2. It will likely be the engineering firm that did the drawings, they could be the construction company too. As for the concrete holding, not really. Concrete really only works in compression, the rebar used would only be good to prevent cracking from temp changes, not large enough to prevent the concrete from buckling.
  3. Typically in kentucky it's fronm the limestone being eroded away by the semi acitic water (our rain water is acitic), their limestone is is different than what we have here. This is my guess but I haven't seen anything on the actual cause.
  4. So is Kentucky, guessing someone should have done a better job with test hole drilling to see what was under the building.
  5. I doubt that, the slower A riders are usually 1:45-1:48s on a 600.
  6. I did level 1 & 2. You will get a ton to work on in just one day.
  7. blue03636

    F'n Repubs.

    I must go kill myself as we voted for the same person, thanks a lot.
  8. Well worth the money. Just working on the stuff they taught me I went from 17s to 12s at nelsons. If you go, go in with an open mind and try what they are teaching you. Make sure you work on it and apply it once you get back to other tracks and you won't be disappointed.
  9. blue03636


    Just follow the smell of sex or you could look for the zx6r with Keith stone on the trail section. I'm sure we will try to all pit together.
  10. blue03636


    I'm just jealous I can't go to Jennings.
  11. blue03636


    You have friends, who knew. Lmao
  12. blue03636


    if Jason is going the 18 th I'm out.
  13. blue03636


    For mido I don't know, someone else will have to get that one as I haven't been there in a few years.
  14. blue03636


    No problem. There are plenty of us on here that have logged many days so if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  15. blue03636


    Yes, there is time to plug in and grab water and walk down to the class.
  16. blue03636


    I would just run street tires in novice, really no need for a race tire and it will save you some time. I can honestly say I have only been to one track that I would say isn't noob friendly (it's not mido) with them towing you around there should be no issue.
  17. blue03636


    Sorry, cage fight is the only way to settle this.
  18. blue03636


    Would you have preferred Nick?
  19. blue03636


    Doubt that, he's not much quicker than Kevin.
  20. blue03636


    Don't do it Drew, it's a trap. Matt, let me know when you are going I know I want to hit up at least one day there.
  21. For those of you that haven't seen this. http://pete.hitzeman.com/behindthevisor/price/
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