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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk_-XWpUFmU&feature=fvwrel
  2. I'll show you Romney's if you show me Obamas.Actually, I'll give you a gift. Here is Romneys plan: http://www.mittromney.com/sites/default/files/shared/BelieveInAmerica-PlanForJobsAndEconomicGrowth-Full.pdf No show me your savior obamas plan! Stop being a simpleton. You know you cant have details, he's not a KING! We have a senate and congress that have to be negotiated with. You set an agenda and basic plan then negotiate details. I do understand your confusion though after King Obama pushed through Obamacare with his super majority without having a single republican contribute to it or vote for it........
  3. He didnt flip flop on anything. Obama and his campaign staff (NBC) have telling lies about Romneys position for so long that people actually believe those were his positions. Even Obama himself tried to debate the lies he was spreading but Mitt wouldnt let him and Obama didnt know what to say when he was forced to debate Romneys true positions. Romney explained in great detail how he would close certain loop holes to offset cuts for business and as the private sector comes back (jobs created) more actual revenue comes in allowing even more cuts for business which in turn spurs more economic growth, ie: more jobs. Perhaps all of Obama's stammering and stuttering had you distracted enough that you missed that part. Its called promoting economic growth in the private sector. Making and selling a product overseas actually produces positive cash flow into the treasury. (thats what we are supposed to use to pay our bills) Simply growing government or hiring more teachers only produces negative cash flow for the treasury and forces us to borrow more money to pay our bills. (this leads to economic collapse) I think Mitt did very well. He explained everything very well. Oh I know the hard core liberals didnt want to here it and those who just want to go through life sponging off of someone else are going to argue senseless points but everyone else seemed to understand perfectly!
  4. Obama started off trying to argue against the lies that he and his campaign have been telling about Mitts positions........ Mitt set him straight and then continued to wipe the floor with him! Obama looked confused and pathetic! LMAO
  5. I have never been able to understand liberals thinking its better to reward failed management with a bail out then have the same people to mis-manage the same way only now with tax payer dollars and then build a product that the government wants to force on consumers who have no interest in buying. Do you think they ever even considered the possibility of repeat failure? Or do you think they were only thinking about union votes and big union contributions?
  6. Probably true.......however, any idiot that seriously proposes anti constitutional legislation like this should be banned from public office.
  7. That was true back in the 70's But today, modern manufacturing employs tech and that has made labor a smaller factor and taxes and regulation a major factor. Thats why we have people doing things like this: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/09/11/private-city-in-honduras-will-have-minimal-taxes-government/?intcmp=trending Oh.... and if congress doesn't stop it, the Bush tax cuts are about to expire. Obamacare has 20 some new taxes that will start coming into effect after the election. (slick, huh?) And the company that manages my 401K just sent me an email tonight, they are offering a course on how to better deal with the new taxes of 2013........
  8. If nothing was done: Osama may still be dead because the system that killed him was already in place but honestly, he was kind of irrelevant at that point. I'm glad he's dead though so +1. Libya would still be run by a dictator who was a crazy ally. Now its run by the muslim brotherhood who's credo is "death to america" -1. Same deal with Egypt so -1. GM and Chrysler have been rewarded for failure with our tax dollars. At their current rate of losses they will require another bail out shortly or be back on the chopping block again. Had they gone bankrupt the parts that still had value would have been bought and run profitably by a company that is competent at doing business and we would be recovering instead of still looking FORWARD to more job losses and debt. -1 With all the quantitative easing going on, Obama is the primary reason the dollar has devalued of late and a leading cause of the higher gas prices. -1 it also artificially put devalued money into the market which has falsly inflated stocks. it looks good on your 401K statement right now but it wont last. The jobs are not following and they wont follow till we encourage manufacturing to come back or start again with lower corporate tax rates and streamlined regs. -1 So woo hoo, he gets credit for the seals taking out Osama. Glad its done but anyone with the sense God gave a chicken would have made the same decision. Its time for a change unless we want 4 more years of higher taxes, oppressively skirting congress like with his 900 plus executive orders and job losses as he taxes corporations to death while the rest of the world is lowering taxes and luring business to their shores.
  9. I subscribe to the idea that anyone or anything...... even a chicken would have made a better president than obama. At least a chicken wouldnt be maliciously destroying our economy and our constitution. No action is better than malicious action.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxE-lGK_OZU&feature=g-vrec
  11. See how easy that was? Just say a few words and they step right up and announce themselves....... well, most of them anyway.
  12. J there are a handful of folks on this sight who are way out there on the lunatic fringe.......... beyond the typical left wing extremist. They dont argue facts. They reject reality but like typical liberals, they insult, make fun or make light of whatever you post. They believe all the crap the left wing media shovels out of the stall and ignore the reality of the economics around them. In short, they are fine with sacrificing all freedoms and liberties if it means they can punish those who have been successful. They cant stand the idea that someone should profit from his hard work and ideas because they have never been smart enough or energetic enough to achieve anything. If they have to embrace muslim extremism..... they will. If they have to embrace socialism or communism..... they will. Its not worth arguing with them. You cant convince someone of something, even with facts when their objectives conflict with your own. Maybe someday when their freedoms are gone, the reality may hit them but most likely they will be dead and gone and their children and grandchildren will have to suffer under the oppressive rule of an out of control government. In short, when these few lunatics show up in a thread and start flinging their own feces around, walk away and let them fling it at each other.
  13. I think its under control. I'm paying to have the gasket replaced. I should get it back middle of next week. I hope I dont have any more problems. I've put 23,000 on that bike and thats the first problem I've had. I wish the stator had given me more of a warning before it arced..... would have made things a lot easier.... lol
  14. This is kind of a long story. I have 2007 CBR 1000rr and a couple weeks ago I was riding down the road and the gauges went blank. The first red light I stopped at it ran a bit rough, the second red light it died and I had to trailer it home. I tested the battery and it seemed to have an internal short. Sometimes it showed no voltage at all and other times it did. Anyway, I replaced the battery and all was fine for over a week. I went out to look at a house for sale and as I started the bike to leave, there was a loud pop sound and me and the bike were engulfed in white smoke. I trailered it home again and ran some tests. I figured out it wasn't charging now and the stator was bad. I replaced the stator, tested everything and all was good. I went for a ride and realized I had a massive oil leak. I came home, pulled the stator cover again, re-sealed it all, let it run on the stand for while, everything seemed good till I went for a ride again and it started leaking like crazy... again. I washed all the oil off and put some baby powder around that side of the engine, went for a ride and now with the powder on there, I could see the oil was coming from higher up. After doing some research and talking to a Honda mechanic, it seems that when the stator went bad, it arced and caused an explosion of the gases inside the engine (all the white smoke) and that explosion blew out the head cover gasket plugs ( there are 4 plugs made onto the valve cover gasket) These plugs are designed for this exact scenario. I never heard of it before but apparently it happens fairly often. Anyway I just wanted to give folks a heads up that if they have battery trouble, check the charging system for a while afterwards and if you see trouble, get that stator replaced before it causes you bigger problems. That head cover gasket is much harder to replace than a stator.
  15. Rod38um

    Runaway debt

    In the face of debt and out of control spending like this: Shouldn't we be irate over stuff like this?: http://www.wthr.com/video?clipId=7054149&autostart=true . . .
  16. I've been playing nice....... But I agree, Ill stop now.... its like banging your head on the wall anyway.
  17. Oh my bad, you had me confused by all the insults and personal attacks and then again with all the "queer in the service" talk. Well, I'm glad you dont hate gays, I dont either, no matter how much you really want me too, I just dont.
  18. Someone who goes around accusing others of being a bigot while harboring hatred for certain groups themselves would be hypocritical. No, I did not mean atheist, I meant homosexual. You were telling me about volunteering for the service and "that queer" defending my country and oh wait, he already is..... Were you not trying to tell me that you are a homosexual?
  19. I am amazed at how hypocritical you are. You insist on putting words in my mouth and assume my position is something other than what it is no matter how many times I spell it out. That kind of behavior is typical in my experience of extreme leftists, which maybe you are. I apologize if somehow you misconstrued my words as being critical of homosexuals. I did not intend to insult your way of life. I simply will not vote to support your extending it into legalized marriage. I do not have dislike for any group of people. I dont hate anyone. You on the other hand seem to have a strong hatred for Christians or at least ones that wont role over and adopt your non-christian views and yet it is you who calls others names like Bigot and worse. I think your inability to deal with an opposing viewpoint says a lot....... Enough said.........
  20. It doesn't matter what you would say Gump. Its never good enough for some of these guys because they just cant accept someone having another opinion.
  21. Separation of church ans state is not constitution. Nothing in our constitution sought to keep religion out of government just government out of your religion. On the subject of sin. I and other christians sin all the time. We recognize it as sin and ask to be forgiven. For me to vote for gay marriage would be like saying its not a sin and God must change to suit my wants. I am perfectly within my rights to take my religious beliefs into account when voting and I shall continue to do so. A weak minds inability to deal with or process facts that dispute that persons flawed core belief system, usually results in insults, cursing or violence.
  22. And again, someone else who hasn't bothered to read the prior posts or does not understand christianity. A Christian would not vote to legalize theft, they are not going to vote to legalize any other sin. The race thing is completely off topic because nobody is discriminating by not voting to legalize a sin. They are simply voting their conscience. Besides, race discrimination is legal and sanctioned by the government so that makes your whole point moot. If you are that concerned about civil rights perhaps you should begin by fighting against affirmative action.
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