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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. As I said, its covered under Adultery (10 commandments) Its defined as any type of sexual activity between people that is not sanctified by marriage.
  2. I dont agree with intolerance either. I dont think any true Christians does. But, as I said earlier, this is where non-christians get confused. They see that if someone labels something a sin, that they are intolerant and that is simply very far from the truth. Just because I choose to vote against legalizing a sin does not make me intolerant. Only those who choose to distort my motives can so easily call my actions intolerant. Voting to keep DDT illegal does not make me intolerant of farmers. Voting pro-life does not make me intolerant of women. Voting pro-business does not make me intolerant of the poor. Voting pro=marriage does not make me intolerant of homosexuals.
  3. Given our conversation, thats kind of a stretch for me to believe. How do you feel about affirmative action? How do you feel about hate crime laws?
  4. Nowhere in the law does it say that its illegal to shoot someone and then dump the body into a wood chipper but its implied that since it causes death that those are illegal actions.
  5. I understand many Christians are against the use of alcohol or at least its abuse. I personally have never met a Christian that believed drinking alcohol was a sin. That is not to say that some folks dont get caught up in the word of man confusing it sometimes with the word of God. Its also not uncommon for non christians to confuse the labeling of ones actions as sin, for christian arrogance or when a christian commits a sin as hypocrisy. That is simply a lack of understanding of the christian faith.
  6. As a Christian, Websters and I define marriage as: "The social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc." And I will not vote to support it. Ever. You can go sin all you want to........ I'll pray for you but I will not vote to legalize your sin.
  7. Does that make you an atheist zealot?
  8. If your hatred for christians and fear that a God may actually exist is such that you have to twist everything to suit your wants instead of applying a little honest effort towards education, thats up to you...........
  9. Its not so much that someone elses sin matters to me. I mean, my wish is that they recognize it and repent so they can be saved but its the same wish for a thief, etc. etc. The act of homosexual sex in itself is just a sin. For a Christian to accept or endorse gay marriage is like accepting stealing as an honest living or contract killing as an honest living. Its the same as us telling God that he must accept this because people do it. To steal something can be forgiven. To say that I am going to steal everyday and that my church, my religion and my God better be ok with it is quite a different thing. So while I'm not going into someones bedroom and telling them what they can or can can not do. I am not going to vote to legalize something that thumbs its nose at my religion and my God. There are also legal issues. If it legalized then could my pastor be sued for discrimination because he wont marry them? That would be forcing the government into dictating religion.
  10. Thats covered under adultry. Exodus is the old testament Christianity does expect that christians will never sin. it knows they will. We all sin, the point is to recognize it, do your best to not sin. Thats where non christians get hung up. Yes I have worked sundays if thats your next question.......
  11. I would never force my beliefs on you. I am tolerant of non-believers but I am not tolerant of those like you that are so intolerant of others that they desire censor my ability to express my beliefs. Thankfully the Constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" So I have the right to express those views. I even have the right to carry those views to voting booth and to my elected office if I choose to run for one.
  12. I have explained and you insist on calling rules sin and calling sin sin. Maybe you should take the time to actually read the bible instead of hand picking parts that someone very ignorant told you to hand pick. If you dont want to actually read it........ for simplicities sake, just consider the 10 commandments as your guide to sin and dont reference anything but the new testament.
  13. Alright. I'm convinced that your just playing stupid to be irritating because nobody of even modest intelligence can still be confused after having something explained so many times.
  14. I bet if you have kids.... they are some twisted little rascals. let em play on the roof, let em play with dangerous household products, let em stay out as long as they want, go where they want. Otherwise you would just prove your hatred for kids right? Same concept........ just because you are concerned about your fellow man, does not make you a bigot. Refusing to support something that we view as dangerous to someones eternal life is no different than refusing to support driving while intoxicated. You just get all hung up on putting words into people mouth because it is actually YOU who is intolerant of others. You are intolerant of Christians.
  15. Again.... as we have covered before.... a sin is still a sin...... the rules in the old testament were about how to avoid and or atone for sin.......... a sin was a sin then and is still a sin. After Jesus, the rules dont apply because the sin is paid for.
  16. I fail to understand how someone can grow up in our society and still be so ignorant of Christianity. You and I and others have been over this with you before and yet you still spread disinformation as if you have a hatred for Christians........ A sin is a sin...... after Jesus, they are paid for, the rules of the old testament dont apply. Please stop trying to distort things. Recognizing a sin and refusing to support it does not equal bigotry. It doesn't make you homophobic. It simply means that you recognize that this person is a sinner and your compassionate desire for that person is that they turn away from what ever sin they are committing and be saved. It really doesn't matter to a Christian what the sin is..........
  17. Which is why I donate money to the Tea Party. The Tea Party isn't real concerned about who the president is just as long as they can change the scope of congress, the president can either go along or veto everything. A democrat may veto a bunch of stuff but he has to let some stuff through. A republican most likely will go along whether he's in total agreement or not just for the sake of the party. The way I see it, tea party members are the only ones advocating a smaller less intrusive government and responsible spending...... so they get my support!
  18. No, its about taking the USA into socialism. Julia is an Obama example of a female who, under his plan, is dependent on the government throughout her entire life. It shows all the programs and services that she could use for all her needs. Obviously he thinks women cant provide for themselves...... or he's just trying to buy their vote.
  19. See I think the fact that any company has to pay any taxes is ludicrous. The only thing that taxes on companies does is require them to raise the price of their product and it makes it more difficult for them to compete with foreign companies whose base country has lower corporate tax rates. the end result is higher inflation, and jobs lost to overseas markets. Both of which make our economy and standard of living lower. If we took away corporate tax and streamlined our regulation, companies would be beating down our door trying to locate here and employ our people!!!
  20. That would be correct if you tried to legislate that companies stay here or pay a penalty. I do not advocate government intervention. What I advocate is creating the environment through taxes and regulations reform that companies choose to do business here because it is cheaper than doing it elsewhere. I dont realy want the government to receive a dime from a company. I'd like to see companies exist here free of charge, employ people in there factories and those people would add to the treasury via the income tax they pay. Any job is better than no job.
  21. That always sounds good and honestly, it gets lots of people elected. But either way the consumer pays either through taxes or in your way through increased product costs. the main difference is in your way, all the jobs are overseas. In the republican way (if you can stop liberal interference) the jobs are here so you can afford to pay something. Remember,If you have more available workers than you have jobs, workers are cheap, there are people standing in line to take you place if you dont like your wages. But when there are more jobs than available workers, Good workers are paid a premium to keep them around because the employer cant find someone to replace you. If we ever want jobs back.... a middle class back.... we have to be viewed as business friendly on all fronts. taxes, regulation and workers.
  22. I think thats the first thing you ever said that I didnt immediately want to argue with you about.....lol
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