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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. Pretty much all our tax levy's failed also except the one that claimed it was "Not a Tax increase" Gullible people voted for it thinking it didnt cost them anything. It cost $130 a year on my taxes. Deceptive advertising sucks.........
  2. It doesn't matter now. Issue 2 was defeated. Local government will have to make cut backs or raise taxes on an already strapped citizenry. So now we are left with a choice between laying off low seniority public workers or taking money from the private sector workers to fund the already higher wage and benefit packages of public workers. I wonder which way it will go?
  3. I've been driving 30 years without having an accident. I refuse to carry insurance. I think people who do are just paranoid............... Sounds silly doesn't it?
  4. I carry every day...... What the heck would I have to be paranoid about? I have a gun!
  5. .380 and the 9mm luger are the same diameter. Most countries have what they call the 9mm luger and the 9mm kurtz or curts. The 9mm kurtz is what we call the .380 Some guys do reload the .380 but its not a popular target load and for such a small round, most guys just buy them for self defense. They are easily confused with the 9mm luger as they are not much shorter. It makes them a pain to sort from your 9mm luger brass. I toss mine in my scrap bucket.
  6. I carry a Kimber Pro crimson carry on a regular basis. especially in colder weather. (easier to conceal) Kimber does have some issues with their 3 and 4 inch models. The video below explains some of that. As far as the thumb safety being a problem, the majority of 1911 fanatics will tell you the proper shooting technique is a "thumbs forward" grip in which your right thumb rides on top of the safety. That makes your natural shooting grip a safety off grip. It just happens automatically. I love 1911's..... I may even have a few..... lol........ but if you dont shoot shoot one recreationally, I dont recommend you carry one. If the only time you pick up a gun is for self defense..... I think a DAO gun is your best bet. Glock, Smith & Wesson and Springfield all make some pretty reliable DAO plastic guns that take a lot of abuse, and neglect and keep on firing. They're about half the price also. I shoot several hundred rounds through a 1911 every week all year long so its my natural carry gun. Most gun buyers put a couple hundred rounds through the gun when they buy it then it only gets touched when they "feel the need to carry" You dont create muscle memory that way and your going to be fumbling for the safety...... My point is, before you shell out the green for a 1911........ give some serious thought as to what type of gun owner you will be...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9rp3sQnnbM
  7. No direct involvement doesnt mean that you are not responsible, direct, set policy and hire competent employees. As CEO you ARE responsible for all those things and more. If you drop the ball, you wont be CEO for long. I've worked on the bottom rung. I'm glad it was there and I'm glad that when working at any level, I can look up the next level and make a decision on whether or not I want to WORK hard enough to achieve that level of success. I want ALL those levels and ALL the different pay scales. I want my children to strive for something better than being satisfied with what some government bureaucrat says they can have or make. I want them to be able to achieve what ever level of success makes them happy. I want them reap what they sow. No work = no money, Much work = much success.
  8. Class envy.... class warfare..... its ridiculous. The idea of being ok with a football player making tons of money because he's "cool" and "plays" so well yet demonizing a CEO who makes tons of money when he's responsible for silly things like: manufacturing a product distribution marketing thousands of employees insurance advertising competition stock price etc. etc. I cannot understand how these people think that by bringing down productive people and rewarding non-productive people that jobs will be created or their life could in any way be better in the long term. Sure it might be better this year. But as fewer people strive to be productive because its penalized and more people choose to be non productive because its rewarded, as the super rich move assets to other countries, all you wind up with in the end is an unproductive nation where everyone is equally poor except the few political elite at the top running things. Will these people be happy when they no longer have opportunity for success? If you are not happy with your level of success, why not become a student of any position you envy and work toward becoming as successful? Is it the word "work" that these people are really protesting?
  9. Protesters asking for Social Justice........ Just amazing to me that anyone could actually ask for that.
  10. Thats one way of getting rid of the evidence!
  11. One important thing to consider when buying a new CC pistol is the availability of holsters for it. I have a bunch of holsters laying around that I thought I would like when I bought them. Point being, if several manufacturers make holsters for your gun, you have choices! I also have guns that I dont carry because I cant find a decent holster to my liking.
  12. There are not too many 9mm out there that are single stack. Ruger and Kel tec are the primary ones. Being single stack, they have a thinner frame and slide. They are also lighter weight. I own the Kel Tec PF9 and even though it has many great features for a sub compact, it also has the magazine release problem. Recoil makes the mag drop. Just on that fact alone........ I would go with the Ruger.
  13. What is obvious to some may take years for others to realize. We are all different in that way. I dont let peoples attitudes bother me much anymore. I try to use situations like that as a teaching opportunity. To help them understand my point view. You may not convince them today but the seeds you plant combined with life events in the future...... well..... has a way of educating those open to common sense. The "Bible" thing you mentioned is a good example. I've seen tons of people who when they were young, couldnt stand the "Bible Thumping" crowd. As they aged, learned, experienced certain aspects of life, they found much comfort in the Bible.
  14. Yep its been going up fast. I chrono'd one of those at over 1200 fps. Later cut one open with a dremal, the bullet was lead with steel shell that was plated with copper. The guy who owned it was putting dents in hardened steel targets with it.......... one bad pistol round!
  15. I know what you mean. I didnt like the monolith when I first saw it but the last several months......... well......... I guess I'm falling in love cause its starting to excite me! lol Here is a better look at the LB Premier II
  16. Very Nice! Did you have to order it or did you find a local dealer?
  17. Thanks, its all the gun........ just have to get it pointed in the general direction.... lol
  18. Oh man.......... I've been drooling over those....... I'm not much of a rifle guy but that thing has me reconsidering!!! For the price though, I could buy a LB Monolith in hard chrome....... tough decisions.... lol How is the long distance accuracy on that thing?
  19. I like the idea of taking care of domestic problems first. However, it depends on HOW you go about it. I dont want more government programs, handouts, stimulous or other bullshit schemes designed to buy votes and keep people enslaved to the government. I Want Jobs! I dont want the government spending on infrastructure until we have enough people working to pay the taxes to support that kind of spending. I want to see taxes go up on imports and down on domestic manufacturers. I want to see a complete tax abatement (tax free) for foreign companies who relocate here to manufacture a product. I want to see ridiculous regulation done away with. (local church construction canceled when they found out it cost $160,000 to comply with water run off regulations from the rain water on the roof) I certainly understand some foreign aid...... its a small part of our spending but needs cut back as well. We have been using the carrot and stick approach to foreign relations for years. When times are tough....... its hard to keep buying the carrots and the sticks........
  20. Thanks....... No, its a private club. I wish I had a range like that at home!
  21. Thanks, I sure like it. For some reason...... 1911's seem to be addictive! lol
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Z-gyht3Bw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YagF4Vqg1g
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