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Everything posted by Rod38um

  1. LOL, it would make me feel better! Can you get it on video so I can watch?
  2. Well if you read a little history, Vladimir Lenin specifically, you'll see where socialism comes in to play with Russia. As for the last part of your post..... I've always liked this quote: "A weak minds inability to deal with or process facts that dispute that persons flawed core belief system, usually results in insults, cursing or violence."
  3. This is the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives. The liberal approach to an income gap is to tax those at the top and subsidize those at the bottom and if the gap grows, do it again. Repeat as often as necessary. The conservative approach recognizes that although we may have once been the only place suitable for manufacturing and didnt have to compete with other countries for business, times have changed. Other countries have seen that capitalism works and the less restrained it is by socialistic taxes and regulation the better it works. These countries have decided to compete with us. They lowered their corporate tax rates, leaving ours as the highest in the world. They have streamlined their regulation into easy to understand pamphlet size documents. They changed their regulating agencies from something that punishes with a stick to ones that help business comply with a carrot. Some even subsidize wages during startup. Conservatives believe that just like you shop for the cheapest place to buy groceries, businessmen shop for the cheapest, friendliest country to manufacture in and if we want jobs, we have to change what we are doing. They believe that the income gap has grown because the wealthy can always invest anywhere in the world and make money but when our taxes and regulation send business overseas, those jobs and opportunity to advance go over seas also. We are left with no jobs and no tax payers. On a side note. We once had huge labor unions but since the rest of the world has been competing for manufacturing, the unions have been supporting the democrats who in turn insist on keeping high taxes in place, regulation that requires several law firms to figure out and their own high wage and benefit packages. Well the manufacturing is gone and the labor unions (in the private sector) are a shell of what they used to be. Yet they still to this day insist on supporting the democrats who have nearly killed them off. Is it better to hold out till the rest of the world decides to stop competing or is it better to lower our corporate tax rate, streamline our regulation, shift our agencies from the stick to the carrot approach and accept the fact that a slightly lower paying job is better than no job at all? Once you have more jobs than workers, workers value goes up. right now we have way more workers than jobs so people are cheap.......... think about it....
  4. Have you listened to any of the news interviews with the occupy folks? Their battle cry is "Social Justice" defined as redistribution of wealth by the government. The movement is supported by socialists around the globe and even partially financed by the likes of George Soros through his many organizations.
  5. President Obama unveiled his new campaign slogan for 2012. It’s one word. “FORWARD” At first this seems kind of odd but if you study history or simply search a couple web sites, you soon learn that this has been a campaign slogan before. In Russia, Vladimir Lenin used the slogan “FORWARD” in the early 1900’s as he campaigned for socialism and later communism. With his persuasive style of speech, his disdain for wealthy business owners and promises of change, he was able to raise cash for his campaign with the help of gangs of thugs organized by the labor unions who committed violent robberies to support his cause and strike fear in his opposition. In his pursuit of socialism and his personal rise to power, Vladimir Lenin was ultimately responsible for more than 3.5 million deaths and the beginning of one of the most oppressive and poverty stricken societies in the history of the world. Land and business ownership was abolished Atheism was mandated. Later as poverty and inflation gripped the nation, the union members who had once supported him but were now widely unemployed, dared not speak out against him for fear of losing their privileged status as being eligible to stand in the food lines in hopes of a handout before the rations were gone. Vladimir Lenin’s hand-picked successor was Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin is responsible for the deaths of more than 50 million people He ruled with deadly brutality in his efforts to suppress those who wanted more than just what the government provided. This number increases every year as new records of his brutality are found. Communism, oppression, poverty and death seem to go hand in hand as those in control have to be brutal to remain in control……… Think about it! Below is a link to Obamas announcement of the new slogan http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/obama-unveils-new-campaign-slogan-forward/2012/04/30/gIQA3SrbrT_blog.html And below here is a link to some history on Lenin. The 9th paragraph talks about his slogan but you’ll have to read much further to get to the more gruesome details. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RUSlenin.htm Don’t take my word for it, do your own research. Then ask yourself; Is this slogan a rallying cry to the far left for one more term as president to achieve that final drive to socialism? Are the unions backing Obama for the same reasons they backed Lenin? Do the unions support the Occupy Wall Street movement for the same goal as the unions in Russia supported the Lenin thugs? Why did Obama unveil this slogan just before the communist holiday of Mayday? Was the unveiling of this slogan a rally call to the occupy crowd? Do the similarities scare you?
  6. Oh I'm not opposed to anyone using their right to free speech. However when someone is using that right to advocate for a system like socialism that would ultimately take that right away.............. when they step over the line and actually break the law........ bust them hard. So many are too young to remember the news decades ago showing the scenes of socialism across the world. The poverty, the oppression, the food lines, people waiting in line for days, afraid to leave even though no food was being handed out, they didnt want to lose their place in line just in case they started passing out food again. It seems that as soon a new generation comes along, they always want to try socialism. These people simply dont understand economics....... and they want something for nothing.
  7. I'm so disappointed.............. I had such high hopes for you.... lol I'm not sure what you've been reading but my understanding of this movement is purely socialist. They believe they can use the disguise of anarchist's to bring down capitalism to the point that Obama will have to nationalize most business. In effect, putting all those mean, nasty, evil job creators out of business and giving the government total control over the economy so we can all finally live in their socialist utopia where productivity is punished and non-productivity is rewarded. But hey..... at least we are all equals right?........... well except for the liberals who get to run things and oppress or kill anyone who wants to change things or keep what they earn. The ones in charge usually live pretty good.
  8. After listening to the un-edited 911 tapes, I did not get the impression that he was actually following him so much as just keeping an eye on where he was from a distance. At one point he even talks casually about Martin 'running" towards him. That tells me that even though he said he was following him, he actually meant moving around so he could keep an eye on him from a distance.
  9. All accounts I have heard and read say Martin was much taller than Zimmerman. Additionally, Zimmerman is said to be 40 lbs lighter than any recent picture of him.
  10. I have to admit, I watched a bit of NBC news just to see what they were saying on the subject. It was like night and day difference between them and fox. Not only did they edit the tape to make Zimmerman look like a racist but they constantly made it sound like Zimmerman shot martin while simply walking home with skittles and tea. They made no mention of Zimmerman being on the phone with the cops, no mention of martin confronting Zimmerman about following him, no mention about Zimmerman turning around to walk away when martin attacked from behind. Its no wonder the liberal groups were mad........ they were listening to BS designed to get them worked up instead of just reporting the facts. NBC should be held liable for all the crap that happened since the shooting.
  11. Rod38um


    Casper posting about ghosts??? Who would have guessed? lol
  12. What????? Brain injury........ marital trouble........ alcohol........and look who his commander in chief is..........
  13. Lets hope this comes to pass!
  14. I dont want teachers to be required to arm themselves, I'd just like to see the signs taken down so that any teachers who chose to get their CCW and arm themselves could do it. Just that fact that these signs are there, tells these kids that nobody is going to shoot back at them...... they can shoot till they're happy and not have to worry about a thing. Signs create a "Criminal protection zone"
  15. I posted it directly........ check again
  16. I copied this from another site.......... This could have been prevented. Here's a photo from yesterday and the sign read: "02-26-12 [Chardon] High School Massacre Omegle Initials R.F." http://i39.tinypic.com/zkojld.jpg Supposedly the mother (as well as others) saw the photo, and no one did anything. I've heard that one of the bystander that he surrendered to is a CHL permit holder.
  17. I wonder where they will go from here? 1)metal detectors and full time, paid officers at each entrance at all times. 2) Put up more of those "no gun" signs since obviously the shooter didnt see them or he would have turned around and went home. 3) Take the no gun signs down since most idiots like this are emboldened by the knowledge that they can shoot till they're happy and nobody can shoot back. 4) Take down the no gun signs and offer a firearms training course and CCW course to staff who volunteer for it.
  18. I just left the suggestion with Ohioans for concealed carry........ hopefully they will run with it!
  19. Somebody needs to make stickers that say that you showed up to patronize a business but due to their anti gun sign, you turned away and they lost your business. The cards are a hassel because you have to disarm to go inside and give them the card. We could just plaster their door with stickers as we turn away........... they might get the message when they have to remove 20 stickers a day....
  20. If you have artistic ability........ I hear you wont have much competition...... it could be a lucrative business!
  21. Well, here we go again. Obama has apologized for the accidental burning of some qurans but the widely accepted "religion of peace" has decided to riot, they have already killed 2 innocent US service men and several of their own in this riot. They are demanding that fellow muslims attack Americans till the service men who accidently burned them while disposing of "materials designated for disposal" are brought to justice. However in his zeal to apologize for our disrespectful actions, Mr. obama completely forgot to insist on receiving an apology for the killing of the 2 US service men. http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/23/world/asia/afghanistan-burned-qurans/index.html
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