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Everything posted by $pecial_K

  1. He is talented, but wouldn't be able to do anything without the rest of his team.
  2. Sorry to hear that things have gotten worse. Get well soon.
  3. Good luck, hope all goes well.
  4. I'm out also. Gonna try to make it to Buffalo Wings and Rings tomorrow instead.
  5. I'm in, if the weather is nice.
  6. $pecial_K


    Having a copy of the job description helps when writing the cover letter. Customize your cover letter to show how you meet every requirement that they are looking for.
  7. $pecial_K


    Open office, it's free and it can do everything Microsoft Office can. Can even save your work as Office files. However, it is not compatible with Microsoft Office 2007 documents.
  8. $pecial_K

    No caption

    From the album: Bike

  9. $pecial_K

    No caption

    From the album: Bike

  10. I didn't use them either, bought a new flasher relay to slow the blink rate down. Really easy to install and doesn't get hot like those resistors. http://www.tobefast.com/c-led-electronic-flasher-relay-c-63430-p-1-pr-10001075.html
  11. I might try to make it again this week.
  12. HTML-Kit is another good free editor. http://www.chami.com/html-kit/
  13. Have you checked the breaker for the dryer in the service panel? I'd check that first.
  14. You also might want to check the vent duct and make sure it is not plugged with lint or kinked anywhere.
  15. I agree, the rear fender on my R6 was the first thing that had to go.
  16. Anything Bluetooth is supposed to have a range of 30-32'
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