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Posts posted by Meanie

  1. congrats! I'm jealous, I want one but I want to shoot one first

    They are kinda hard to find at a good price. Dale couldn't get one last time I talked to him, so I was going to pickup the LCP off of him. I ended up getting this cheaper than I could have gotten the LCP and this has a laser. (not that that made much difference) The LCP was new, and this only had a half a box of rounds through it. Plus all the other accessories.

  2. I picked up a S&W Bodyguard .380 from a friend of mine. Got an awesome deal on it. Need to take it to the range and fire it for a bit, but so far loving the little thing for complete concealment. Gun came with a DeSantis holster, an extra mag, half a box of target rounds, full box of defense rounds, and a soft case.

  3. Was it bogging before the stealership disconnected the PC?

    If it was it was either installed incorrectly or the map is way off.

    I'm sure there is a youtube video showing you how to connect a PC3 to your bike. Google it.

    If the map is way off, you can get on Honda CBR forums and I'm sure someone will share a map. While a generic map should work without much issue (as long as it is for your type and year bike and the bike itr came from has similar mods), there is no substitution for a dyno tune. I would find a video, verify you PC3 is connected correctly, try to get a generic map and verify the bike is running better. Then talk to dynotune Brian.

    As for the blinker, what do you mean it's not working? Not at all? Blinking too fast? staying lit constantly? Need a little more details.....

  4. liam neeson needs a better agent. he's been in some bombs lately.

    and wolves don't stalk people:rolleyes:

    they should have went with mountain lions (cougar)

    If wolves are hungry, they will stalk people.

    I haven't see the movie, so I am not sure what setting we are3 talking about, but if wolves are hungry and food is short, they will stalk humans.

  5. Well I have removed a total of 4 squirrels so far and there are at least 2 more to go. This morning I checked the trap and had an unlikely captive. An opossum decided he wanted some peanut butter. They are not normally destructive, so I let him leave unscathed. I wish the other 2 squirrels would get in the trap though, they have gotten a bit smarter I guess.

  6. I saw that sling shot video about a year ago, first thing I thought about whe I decided they needed to go. My luck one of them would break a head stone in the cemetary behind my house.

  7. Anyone have a squirrel trap I can use? I have a few that for awhile didn't bother me, but this year they decided it was warmer in my house than outside. Now they need to go. Also once I catch said squirrels I am going to "release" them :rolleyes: and I need a firearms safe place to do so.

    I've read once they start going in houses they will go in some one elses if now killed. They also will return back to their original home if just released.

    Let me know.

  8. Check out the Mitsubishi Outlander. I got one for the wife and love it. They recommend not towing with the sport model. They one I got is loaded with everything but a backup camera. If your interested pm me i'll answer whatever questions you have and can get you in touch with a greats sales guy. The GT V6 model is rated to 3500lbs.

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