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Everything posted by |SnOmAn|

  1. Yeah he does... Rides that bad boy like a champ!
  2. That is awesome to hear! I left at lunch so I was hoping it went well after. It was good to meet ya too. Sorry I held ya up so much. I'm sure you had a better time catching up to everyone after the fact...lol!
  3. Well, I'm home... Sorry I held some of you up today. Mentally I was not there and I felt like I was not enjoyig myself, but nothing against anyone ridin, just me. That was one of the reasons I split after lunch, plus I am a little tired too...lol! Although, it was a beautiful day and thank you guys for leading it, y'all did a great job.
  4. Alright, I'm headin out the door now. See y'all in a few....
  5. Now I'm not sure how I want to get there. I can slab it; 23 to 270 or I can hit 674 to Brice Rd. Maybe 270 will wake me up...lol!
  6. Alright, alright I'll just meet ya at the meet spot. I was just trying but I guess it won't work for you guys. I guess it's better cause I can get more time in cause this baby is right around the corner. Just hope I can make it through. I think I've put 70 miles on the bike this year! Yeah, that's it!! So, I'll see ya at the start spot.
  7. Well, I could meet you guys on 56. I can get a little more sleep...lol.
  8. In other words, Todd is trying to tell you he'll take it for $600 and a Big Mac from a McDonald's of your choice.
  9. Where is this ride at? I might be free on the 29th so I'm good.
  10. I feel a little jealousy in this post... jus sayin
  11. I'll kill 'em, oh wait, ah crap, that's me... You almost got me there...LOL!
  12. It does look a little different, but it's me... Maybe because I took it in Florida and not in Ohio. Kinda makes me look different...LOL
  13. I thought I had some on here but I didn't so here... Me and my wife... At my reunion down in Florida last year. Wife in black on my right and two friends on my left. At the Reds game... Me...
  14. |SnOmAn|


    From the album: MISC

  15. From the album: MISC

  16. |SnOmAn|

    Reunion 2009

    From the album: MISC

  17. '68 Mustang - That thing was BA, especially when driving it in high school - sold, I cracked the block and didn't have money to fix '93 626 - turned in (dumb move) '02 Lancer - still have '97 Neon - Wife's old car - sold '04 Explorer - New "family" car - still have
  18. |SnOmAn|

    wtf cavs!!

    Yeah, they suck! Next thread please...
  19. Maybe a little MC Hammer - Can't Touch This, or maybe something along the lines of Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby... Ahhh, they always get me going...LOL!
  20. I plan on being there. Is there a map like the first ride so I can see where we are going. I can probably meet yall somewhere on the route since it's somewhat my way. Let me know...
  21. Let me know and I can meet y'all there. I live right down 56. I can go for lunch but no extra riding, too much to do around the house still.
  22. I think I threw up in my mouth a little....
  23. I hope he wasn't driving this car on Cinco de Mayo, the school administrators might have kicked him out of school then. This is crazy...
  24. Yeah and it's a girl.... Man, I'm screwed! lol! Nah, I'm pumped, just not happy with all the crap I have to do to prepare for the baby.
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