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Everything posted by |SnOmAn|

  1. Yeah, boxing is not like it use to be. I went to the local BWW that has all the UFC fights thinking it would be on, and nope, no fight. UFC will end up like boxing soon, just give it time. All the politics in it will ruin it sooner or later. I was a huge boxing fan, but after they just got stupid, I pretty much quit watching it.
  2. Just a side note, redrocket04, you may want to change the name and get rid of the sig... I'm sorry buddy, but your a cruiser guy now...lol.
  3. Happy Birthday Bro...
  4. I would like to see Mosley win, but Mayweather hits harder then Sugar does, at least that's what I see. So my pick would have to be Mayweather...
  5. BTW... Welcome to the madness. People around here are great, just have a good sense of humor and you'll be fine.
  6. I swear you are a Corbin rep! Must sell them on the side with all the post you do talkin' about it...LOL!
  7. When I was in Miami my work had a nice fridge that we used. There was like 4 of us that would go to the local grocery store on Mondays and pick up stuff for the week. That was pretty sweet! Then Fridays was the eat out day. Single and living with parents was great back then...lol!
  8. All that for one fish? Wow! Lol...
  9. I could do it if I had to. I love PB&J, it's more the PB I love.... I guess I'm spoiled at lunch but then again it's never that great, just a nice variety for free, until summer time which starts on Monday...
  10. How the crap do you that?! I hate the same thing two days in a row! I would strangle myself, but I do love me some PB&J sangwiches... That might be the only thing I could do, and that is pushing it. Months at a times... Y'all are crazy!
  11. I thought about it, but nah...
  12. Yeah, I heard this on the radio on the way to class, but I didn't hear what happened.
  13. This is not a geek oriented thread...LOL! I am far from that, just like to see what people have as a setup just because...
  14. Yup, nowhere near that CBR600rr... LOL! I said I can usually get some good stuff, not I can usually get some sick looking stuff, that actually runs...LOL! I have one guy that works in the IT for me that refused a new laptop because he wanted to build an old Fujitsu Lifebook...lol! The setup you have is sweet, but they see no need to spend that kind of money on my machine. I would like to build my own for video editing and stuff, but we'll see this summer.
  15. I work for a University in the IT Dept., so I usually can get some good stuff. Anyway, I am located in the library on the main floor for students if they need "IT Support". I just added the third monitor yesterday for the heck of it (pictured below). I have a kvm as well, because I do some video editing and stuff as well, so there is another computer I have that stuff on that I switch to if needed. Post up some pics of your "sweet setup"...
  16. |SnOmAn|

    Desk @ Work

    From the album: MISC

  17. Welcome to the jungle...
  18. I think I did the Night Hawk too... Only thing close to a sportbike they had! Mine wasn't cute though...LOL!
  19. |SnOmAn|

    no track day

    If you know how to follow a road to a stop sign, then you are golden. These guys won't leave you. Remember, no noob left behind...
  20. The first time I saw this was in the dorm at school and we were like, "WHAT?!"... It was hilarious! And pretty much still is.
  21. |SnOmAn|

    no track day

    You don't want me teachin' him, I got the real skills...LOL! Ninja flips and all...
  22. |SnOmAn|

    no track day

    Oh boy, here we go....
  23. Yeah, you will look straight foolish in leather...LOL! The first night is all inside. You'll watch a video of stuff and talk. Then the next two days is all riding. They will go over what is allowed and not. Redrocket04 covered everything pretty much. Helmet, jacket, gloves, boots or shoes covering the ankle. You just can't have any skin showing.
  24. I get free lunch at the University so I'm good during the school year, it's the summer that I'm screwed, which reminds me, this is the last week for free lunch! F! I just go home and then eat out once a week at that time.
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