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Posts posted by |SnOmAn|

  1. I honestly thought they were going to end up winning that game because the last 4 losses they let LeBrick take the last shot and were finally gonna give the ball to DWade.

    Once Wade stops being a good friend and tells Lebron to fuck off and get his ass in the post and let Wade take the ball, they will be more dangerous but not unstoppable

    I think LeBron is a good finisher, but I think he needs to grow up a little. Wade is a much better ball player. I just left a comment on my friends facebook talking about this. I honestly believe the Heat need an experienced coach. Spolstra does not know how to control these guys (LeBron). Spolstra may be a good young coach, but just doesn't have the respect factor this team needs. Lakers - Phil Jackson, Celtics - Doc Rivers, Miami - Eric Spolstra? :lol: I think Miami would have been better with just Wade and Bosh at this point. Bosh has really stepped up but is probably sitting back more because of LeBron.

  2. I was rolling last night went from a 3.04 to a 3.06 KDR and think im at like a 7.18 WLR we never lost last night haha.

    That was a blast that night, not gonna lie. That boosted my confidence up a little, even though I was bottom almost everytime...HA HA! If I didn't have a kid I would have stayed on longer, but going to bed at 3am and waking up at 7:30am aint cool....lol

    Casey is to cool to play Hardcore :(

    Hardcore is the best! Don't have to shoot people a million times to die!

  3. Its all good in the hood, we have a good time, just wish people would stay in the room with us and not be in private chat. Loved the dude that popped outta private chat, just to tell us we suck, went back to private chat for a moment, then they all left haha.

    Yeah, waxin' people usually is nice... love how we never really played the same people twice...:lol:

    Hey, I leveled up quicker last night then all month! :lol: I would like to prestige before the game has been out a year!

  4. snoman carried me last night

    It's all good bro.... I love keeping people like you afloat in games like that. You know, I feel bad for the people on the bottom all the time. One day you will be at my level son...:wtf::D

    Hey, thanks for the invite. I actually did good on a few games, but I just do not play much and if I did, I would still suck. My past has killed some brain cells.... :D

  5. I don't have a 600, I have a 954 but I love Honda! I am selling mine and will not have a bike for a while and I seriously want to break down and cry... I have had mine almost two years and I am addicted to it. I have no idea what I will do without it, but I will say this, I will get another Honda when I do get my next bike, that is for sure!

  6. Found out that you shouldn't auto renew either. My subscription ran out and I was just browsing through some of the main screen stuff and found he offer of 30% off. If I would have auto renewed I would have never got it.

    Yep, logged on a fe weeks ago to just buy a month for $9.99 cuz I really didn't want to pay for the year, especially since I never play and will be starting back at school and will really not have any time. Ended up looking at my email right before I did it and saw the 33% off. Yep, I renewed for a year.... I'm a sucker!

  7. Scott! You're a 1989 graduate? You old bastard! :lol: I'm a 1996 graduate.

    I graduated in '99.... I think I was like 12/13 when this song was popular! I use to love it! Back in the day when MTV use to play music videos that is all we would do. Go to friends house, chill and watch MTV.... The good ol days with no responsibility.... smh

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