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Posts posted by Scruit

  1. Also, I read a book called Hot House where the writer was granted full access to hang out with the prisoners so he could write about them.

    He tells one story where a bitch was being chased down the halls by his daddy with intent to stomp him to death because he found out bitch was a child sex offender. Bitch was placed into protective custody then moved to another prison. Turns out this was a regular thing for the bitch - locals find out he's a kiddie fiddler and try to kill him, he moves to a new jail.

    There is a certain irony there, though, that a man who is sexually abusing a fellow prisoner is angry to find out the man he is molesting is a sex offender himself...

  2. Seems that the witnesses stories are pointing the cop shooting/killing an unarmed 18 yo who attempted to run away and then surrender.


    The only story that was different was the woman on the radio who was not a witness, but was repeating 3rd person information.


    Don't forget the witness on the video taken moments after the shooting that said Brown doubled back on the officer.


    Also, I'd be interested to hear how many shots each person heard and how far spaced they are.  Some of the witness accounts vary wildly, but all of the "hands up" witnesses say he was shot at while running away.  If the audio is validated then who does that confirm or refute?

  3. After several weeks of unexplained wrist pain I finally have surgery scheduled to remove a cyst that is compressing a nerve.

    Anyone had something similar done? What was the recovery time etc?

    They will be using "Moderate Conscious Sedation" and claim I'll be able to return to work (IT) the next day.

    I'm expecting one day of absolute suck age, a few days of wrist pain, a couple weeks of soreness and then the balance of 6-8 weeks in a splint. My riding season is likely over.

  4. Well, it was an SUV, not a sedan, so that put him a little higher.Not sure if that puts him in neck-reaching range or not, though.


    The investigation will tell us which direction that bullet was fired.  If it was close to hitting the officer and/or a direction that does not make sense as being an attempt to shoot Brown then that would be very interesting.



    Something else to note...  If the audio of the gunshots is validated, then it cannot be claimed that the first set of shots on tape were fired as Brown was running away - (setting aside questions about whether Brown could stop running, turn around and put his hands up in 2-3 seconds) the second volley of shots on tape only comprised 4 shots, and Brown was shot by 6 different bullets.  Some of the first volley must have hit him, and the autopsy proves he was facing the officer for 5 of those 6 shots.


    Michael Bradley claimed to have watched the first volley of shots from his window, then he left the house and got outside in time to see the second volley of shots. I already said it's improbable that he went from inside the house to outside the house in 2-3 seconds, so he is either lying/mistaken or there were 3 distinct volleys of shots and that the first or last were not caught on tape.  This is where the bullet count becomes vital - if the audio accounts for all fired shots (except for the one in the cruiser) then Bradly is lying, and claimed that brown stopped running and turned around with his hands up between the two volleys are very dubious.

  5. Will Hayden's FB page just had this posted to it:


    Harold Amandi Kristafor Ford, Will Hayden’s son-in-law, posted the following to his Facebook wall suggesting that his wife, Stephanie Hayden Ford, had also been molested repeatedly as a child by Will Hayden.


    Must we really go there.
    I don't care what you've heard about who or where.
    I dare you to say that my wife is a liar,
    and I wouldn't believe it, but the water is higher;
    And here comes the fire
    that will burn your soul
    'Cause I know what you did when she was 12 years old.
    I know about the drinking and you thinking you'd get away
    worried about the "shame" that she'd live with one day.
    You fooled with my wife when she was young.
    Sucking and groping, do you remember what was done?
    Well she does, and she told me how you made her feel.
    like she was wrong, when this was your deal.
    you've been doing dope, meth and coke
    prescription pills when all you needed was hope.
    trying to tell me that my wife's property was yours,
    did you think for a moment I would change my course? I'm sure of what my wife has said and told me;
    and now the light shines on the lies you sold me.
    you are in deeper than you've ever been,
    you were in deep before I met you,
    before I thought we were friends.
    you threaten these women 'cause you were afraid of men.
    You threaten their lives while you smile and grin.
    well your face twist, and I've wondered why.
    there was always something behind your eyes.
    Best friends of yours still don't want to believe,
    but the word you've been standing on
    will bring you to your knees.
    try to get some help.
    Or go ahead, become dead, kill yourself,
    whatever MF, do as you will,
    but I promise you
    you won't get to kill,
    me or my family or any of my friends.
    I told you before I was here to the end.
    I promised my wife more than I promised you,
    and that's why we've done what we had to do.
    who are you,
    that you should escape
    from the punishment you deserve?
    Man this is rape!
    This is abuse in a sexual manner.
    This is hard facts, not TV banter.
    Plan your plans and scheme your plots
    but my Glock 17 still has 17 shots.
    believe me you've got nothing left here,
    cause I've got eyes to see and ears to hear.
    Fear is why my wife asked me to save her.
    She knew you did it, and she knew you'd enslave her. and we saw how you tried to exploit her property
    and you always said "No one will stop me."
    Well you've got these new enemies,
    and I've got mine,
    and you are one of them, and that's just fine.
    If that's what you play, I hope you play well,
    but man let me tell you my enemies face hell.
    for my God is with me, and I am with Him.
    and all of His angels make your chances slim.
    I believe in them because they come from God.
    Jehovah is the one that gives the nod.
    Jesus holds the rod that guides my flock;
    He is my foundation, solid as a rock.
    I tried to save you but you believed in yourself.
    well, see how it is
    without our help.

    Kris Ford
    9:32pm 8/26/14

  6. And this is why I canceled mine. They over promised and under delivered and now they are gonna be waiting until the new credit card chip system is almost in effect. I'm already starting to get new credit cards even before mine are close to expiring because they now have the chips in them.


    I have a chip in one of mine but use it as a magstripe still.  No NFC/prox cards from my bank yet.

  7. You seemed to reference shots fired at Browns back a lot even though the family sponsored autopsy showed he was never shot in the back.



    It is a central part of many eyewitness claims that the officer SHOT AT Brown while he was running away, something that that would be almost impossible to justify in this case and would likely be ruled brutality,  The fact that he was not HIT from the back does not disprove this claim.  If we are to be impartial then we must treat all claims equally until disproven.


    This audio does not match up with the "shot at while running away" narrative, so it needs to be pointed out that either that claim is bogus or the audio is.  They cannot both be right.

  8. CNN is reporting that a man has come forward with audio of the shooting (just the gunshots)


    The clip they played sounded like about a 6 second shooting. 


    In the first 2 seconds you can hear 7 shots.  Then a 2 second gap, then 5 shots over the next 2 seconds.


    CNN is working to verify the tapes.    http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnn-airs-alleged-audio-from-michael-brown-shooting/


    One commentator already said it proved the shooting was murder because the gap in the shooting shows the officer had time to re-evaluate.  I'm not sure the audio (if it is true) shows much of anything.   This may be like the orbital fracture CT scan...  


    On the off-chance it IS true...


    1) Compare it with the video recorded statement of the guy in the scene who said; "He doubled back on the cop.  At first we thought he was missing... He just kept coming ... The cop was just dumping on him...  "   What was it about what the man saw that made him think the shots were missing?  Did the Officer also think he was missing?


    2) The audio sounds like a voice mail where some guy is trying to chat up a lady.  I notice that regardless of how loud the gunshots are, there is not a moment's hesitation in his voice.  I expected to hear some kind of reaction in his voice.  Seems off to me.


    3) If Brown transitioned from one behavior in which shooting him was justified to a different behavior where shooting was not justified, then would that 2 second gap be enough time for him to react by stopping his use of deadly force?  Did brown have time to turn and put his hands up, and for the officer to perceive that?  If Brown was running, would have have time to stop, turn and put his hands up?  Takes me about 1.5 seconds to turn around and put my hands up from a standing position.  I wonder hos that time would be be if I was running and stopped/turned/hands up?   I'd be interested to know how long these witnesses claim his hands were up.  A second?  A few seconds?  10 seconds?


    4) How does this match up with the witnesses?    

    - Dorian Johnson said the officer shot one time at Brown as he ran and that shot made Brown give up.    There is no lone shot on the audio.  This audio is incompatible with his story.  

    - Michael Brady claimed he saw Wilson firing on Brown as Brown fled.  He then ran outside in time to see the final shots.  Unless he got outside in 2 seconds, this audio and his story are incompatible. This is what I like to call the Grits defense.  My Cousin Vinnie showed me it.

    - Piaget Crenshaw said the officer chased and shot at the fleeing Brown, who reacted to being shot by turning around and putting his his hands up.  The officer shot two more times.   The second volley of shots was more than two, which is a minor inconsistency.  More troubling is that I find it difficult to believe that Brown stops from a run, turned around and put his hands up in two seconds.  He story is incompatible with the audio.

    - Tiffany Mtichell sad effectively the same thing - that Brown was shot in the back as he ran, and he stopped, turned around and put his hands up.  Same problem as Crenshaw's testimony.   

  9. At Brown's funeral, it was said that on the day he died, he was out "spreading the word of Jesus".    I wonder if the word of Jesus is what the convenience store clerk heard.


    I'm pretty sure the "hands up" story has been told so many times that it no longer matters if it is true or not.  Just as the officer will always be a "cold-blooded executioner of a child", regardless of if it is true or not.

  10. How many police should die or be injured by trying to "shoot to incapacitate" before we remember the lessons they've learned the hard way?


    If you decide to use deadly force, then it needs to be deadly.  If there are issues with that, it needs to be when to make the decision, NOT how much force to use.


    We have to accept that using deadly force is very likely to kill someone.  What we don't accept, though, is that when an officer realizes that he has successfully incapacitated an attacker he cannot keep shooting under the mantra; "Deadly force ... needs to be deadly"    (Not a reference to Brown shooting)


    Now, when an innocent person is forced into a situation where their life is threatened by the actions of a criminal then I give the innocent person a buttload off leeway in how he effects his defense.  You wanna fire 15 shots?  Fired 15 shots.  That's fine.  Just don't keep firing once it is clear to you that you are now safe.   (It is clear to you means:  You truly understood you were safe at the time - not armchair quarterbacks saying "you have 0.25 seconds to see his head drop down")

  11. So police should just shoot to incapacitate huh? 


    Yes, exactly.  "Shoot to stop the threat"  Once the threat is stopped, stop shooting.  (Of course, allowing time for the officer to recognize the threat has stopped)

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