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Posts posted by Scruit

  1. Have you read the entire thread and what the OP said about the guy who hit his garage? And what some of us may deem as a thug or a punk in our eyes, you obviously may or may not.

    I read the whole the thing. I must have missed the thuggish behavior bit.

  2. If he has a CHL then leave him alone.  We can't claim that CHL is not proof of good character for him then turn around and it IS proof of good character for us.  


    Thug?  Unless he acted like a thug at the scene then you can't say that.  If he acted appropriately at the scene, and has a permit for the gun and all he did wrong was crash his car without insurance then I wouldn't call him a thug.  Nor would I make any assumptions about drug use.  Where is the basis for that?  

  3. as long as you have underinsured/uninsured coverage, right?  I don't think that is automatically included in every policy ??


    He's not claiming on his car insurance for the building / atv etc.  That's his home insurance.  Collusion / uninsured for the car.  Then they will go after him.


    Light him out - if he was not insured then you car have his license suspended until he pays or sets up a payment plan.  Maybe the mother too?


    Got an estimate yet?


    Owner of car is jointly liable with the driver.  She has a choice - report the car stolen and evade liability at the cost of her son getting a GTA charge.   OR admitting she let him drive and her getting a wrongful entrustment charge (allowing someone to drive the car without insurance).   If the CPD are really that apathetic about the insurance at the scene then maybe they won't care to pursue it. 


    Don't bother trying to sue for distress for a non-injury claim.  


    Let your insurance do the heavy lifting - don't talk to her insurance any more.

  4. Only ever got the one tat, from Rev.Dice at Sweet Baby Octane. The whole deal was great. Clean place, good sterile procedures, great artwork. He took my original scribbled concept and turned into a piece of art that I love.

    If I got an more ink I'd go right back to Dice.

  5. I'm coming to the end of a frame-up restoration of my '87 bronco.  Plan to have it driving by the end of the month.  My insurance company won't put comprehensive on it without an appraisal (but can't offer any advice on how to get it appraised, apparently??)


    They say if I get an independent appraisal then they will insure if for the appraised value and will pay that out in the event of a claim. 


    So, anyone know where I can get it appraised in Central Ohio? 

  6. I had to turn the Jetta back in to Enterprise as it was leaking oil. Surprising for a 2014 VW.

    Instead I have a '14 Elantra which has much smoother gearshifts and braking. The VW was only driveable for me in Sport Mode where it changed gears much less frequently. In Drive it was a Spew Canoe.

  7. What is  "windows machine" anyway?  It's an intel-based PC, which covers Linux, Mac and Windows.


    I run Fedora on my laptop.  I didn't get the "no OS option" from Dell when I first bought this machine, so I was required to pay for an OS I knew I wouldn't use.  I picked the no-cost entry-level windows home basic or whatever they call it.  But if you think that's free and not baked into the cost of the PC then you are exactly the kind of person Microsoft was thinking of when they set up this anti-competitive system.

  8. Or you take it to a place you trust and that gives you your car back in an as-new condition...  And you don't care how much it costs.   Any money I get cash in hand is money diverted from repairing the car.  I'd rather my car be perfect than have 200 bucks cash back.

  9. From what I just read, it's a marketing ply aimed at people who can't afford a deductible.  These places are described as "This Walmarts of bodyshops"


    The insurance industry is trying to ban the practice because the money either comes from overcharging the insurance (illegal) or cutting costs on the repair (unethical unless the owner knowingly agrees to a shoddy repair), and it's difficult to tell which is which.


    It immediately struck me as cheesy.  

  10. A few local bodyshops are offering 10% cash back on whatever the insurance company pays for the repairs.


    Seems like that should be illegal, or is at least unethical.  They are charging the insurance company money that is not needed to effect repairs.  Either by overcharging the insurance company OR cutting corners on repairs.


    Anyone familiar with with this? 


    (I already took the car to First Impressions Columbus, so this is purely academic interest)

  11. I have a 2014 Jetta as a rental right now. Gasoline. It is making me car sick. The gas is too lunge-y and the brakes are too grabby. The gas pedal does very little at first the suddenly you get the power. It is annoying the folks behind me and making me wonder if I need to carry a barf bag.

  12. There's probably a connection between a driver with a camera and how "polite" they drive.

    Absolutely. Knowing the police will review the video means I cannot risk doing anything stupid. The cop asked to watch the two minutes leading up to the crash. Had I engaged in any stupidity or road rage he would have dinged me for it.

    The cop said the video helped out a ton. The witness that the cops took a statement from saw the truck pass me and change lanes but could not comment on anything before that. The officer said other driver claimed I was road raging him first. He said the video was key to exonerating me. He said if he'd seen any road rage from me then he would have ticketed us both.

    Yeah, the camera forces you to consider that any action might wind up in front of a judge.

  13. Just seems like you were an instigator in the whole situation. If he was tailing you move over and let him by. I'm sure you saw him coming in your mirror, why wouldn't you just get out of his way?? Now your car is jacked and you put many other lives at risk, not just yours and theirs. This could have been a major accident possibly killing someone. Would you still post it if that happened? I think there is another side of the story that we aren't getting.



    From earlier:


    It started and was over in a few seconds.  This wasn't an ongoing thing.  He arrived at my back bumper, hovered for a second then passed.    I had been in that lane only a few seconds, and he (half) joined the lane at the same time that I did - he just was traveling faster than me at the time he joined the lane.  I didn't have the option to move right because by the time he reached the half-way-in-the-lane point he immediately departed the lane and began his pass.  He was never fully in the left lane behind me.  I wish I had a rear camera running.  Gonna put one in now, I guess.


    His insurance just called and accepted liability.  Car's booked in for tomorrow at the body shop.


    The entire event took less than 10 seconds from him getting into the lane behind me to hitting me.  He was behind me for 2 seconds before starting to pass me, not enough time to change lanes.  It took him 7 seconds to pass and change lanes into me, during which time I could not change lane because he was there.  


    ...aaand I'm done defending myself.  Now back to your regularly scheduled program. 

  14. I freely admit I expected him to do something stupid.  But I was not prepared for him to do something suicidal.


    Don't forget this whole thing started because he wanted to go faster than traffic.  I just happened to be the next guy in line.   The fisheye lens makes thing look further away - I was at a normal following distance of about 2 seconds behind the guy in front of me.


    I was expecting him to ride the line, swerve towards me or whatever.  I also didn't think slowing down or speeding up would change that - if I slowed down then he'd still do the same thing if he was so inclined.  I figured I'd hold my course and let him have his tantrum.


    I also freely admit that I failed to anticipate that he'd be stupid enough to come completely into my lane and intentionally hit me, though.  As I saw him swerve I though it was just that, a quick swerve to scare me.  It went from; "Yup, there he goes" to "FUCK" in under a second.

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