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Posts posted by Scruit

  1. Thread officially derailed.

    Sorry Scruit.


    Meh, most of the Scruit-bashing moved to the video thread.



    I once drove a Peugeot 407 Diesel around England, Ireland and Scotland.  Same thing, drove it like I stole it and got 45mpg in a car the size of a Taurus. 


    Looked exactly like this one:



  2. Didn't seem like you tried to prevent this from happening. Yes he was aggressive, but you know he was coming over after he passed you. GTFO of the way and let him throw his little fit.


    That's one way of looking at it.  Another is that he came in too quickly for me to do anything about it.  It was about a second.

  3. I'm a huge fan of modern diesels, being from you-rupp and all.  I have heard the Subaru diesel int he UK is considered even more bland than most.


    Having said that, people don't buy diesel for performance unless it's for towing.  Certainly not for speed.


    I would do a Diesel Subaru, definitely.   I'd miss the turbo, but the mileage would be epic.  I get 21mpg right now.

  4. Sure it's the other guy's fault for hitting you...


    But why were you using the left hand lane if you weren't passing anyone?  You've provided video evidence previously that you like to fuck with people while you're on the road.... And saying "there's no law saying I can't drive in the left lane at the speed limit!" is just asinine.  The left lane (which you've called the "fast" lane) is for passing.  If everyone would get on board with this, traffic would flow a lot smoother.


    I'm glad you're ok, and I'm glad you have a carefully sculpted video to cover your ass and make sure you get paid, but please...


    Stay out of the left lane next time unless you're passing someone, okay?  You stated you and he got in the left lane at the same time, and that he wasn't there very long at all.... Which makes me think that you got in it to keep him from passing you.  


    Again, glad you're okay.


    You're a little behind the curve on this.  I'll let you get caught up before replying.  :)

  5. That said, he was totally in the wrong for cutting into you and the blame for the accident rest completely on him, but riding in the fast lane at the speed limit when there is a clear lane to the right is a total dick move.


    I'd also argue that moving into the fast lane like that when the second lane was clear was entirely punitive.  I'm sure he hoped that I would stab the brakes or move onto the shoulder or do something else to avoid the accident he was threatening.  However, I've been in the situation before where I swerved to avoid the offending car, no contact was made but I hit another vehicle.  Offending vehicle left the scene and I was blamed.  The advice I got from that cop was if I was gonna hit someone I'm much better off hitting the bad guy.   In this case, though, it all happened too fast to make a choice.

  6. It started and was over in a few seconds.  This wasn't an ongoing thing.  He arrived at my back bumper, hovered for a second then passed.    I had been in that lane only a few seconds, and he (half) joined the lane at the same time that I did - he just was traveling faster than me at the time he joined the lane.  I didn't have the option to move right because by the time he reached the half-way-in-the-lane point he immediately departed the lane and began his pass.  He was never fully in the left lane behind me.  I wish I had a rear camera running.  Gonna put one in now, I guess.


    His insurance just called and accepted liability.  Car's booked in for tomorrow at the body shop.

    • Upvote 1
  7. This seems to be a common thing with you. Weren't you the one that was on your bike and damn near stopped on the entrance ramp? Maybe you should learn a lesson from your own videos. Quit being a dick to other drivers and get out of the way.


    Are you saying I was in this driver's way?  I was keeping up with traffic in the fast lane.  Not sure what else I could have done.

  8. Have you ever driven an H6 Legacy?

    It's smooth, unlike anything else out there.

    If I could sell my car, I'd buy a 2015 model tomorrow.


    Drove a H4 (I believe) with a CVT and it was weird.  The relationship between engine revs and engine power was non-existent.  I nearly called the rental place thinking the trans was slipping really bad.


    My wife has the H6 on a 2001 Outback.  Very smooth, but less power than my H4 Turbo.  But my turbo is VERY peaky.  The difference in power output between 3k and 5k rpm is astonishing.  I drove an '11 LGT H4 Turbo and found it to be nowhere near as peaky.  (n fact, funny story, I had the owner and myself half convinced he'd been ripped off on a non-turbo until we realized they moved the turbo to the bottom of the engine for his model year - mine is at the top.  His even has turbo markings on the engine cover pointing at no turbo)


    I could see the H6 3.6 being a really nice engine.  But you know me.. I'd LOVE to see a 3.6 H6 with a turbo.   They'd need to hand out kleenex with test drives, and not for wiping away tears.

  9. That is just a total cunt move by the truck. He had all the room in the world.

    Do you think he was trying to "teach you a lesson" for going too slow in the left lane?

    And did you make a split second decision that you were going to hold your ground? Tough to tell from the video, but I don't notice braking before the impact.



    It was a lesson, definitely.  We both entered the fast lane at the same time, him about 5 or 6 cars behind.  He was upset I was not going faster (right at the speed limit) but I was going along with traffic and was tailgating me for a short while before passing me.


    I didn't choose to not brake - I just didn't have time to react once I figured out he was coming over versus just doing a bitchy fly-by.  I mean, I'm right there and he knows it - why would he merge into me?  Merge ahead of me and brake check, yeah I can see that.  But not right into me.

  10. Youtube nixed a couple attempts at publishing this because of a song playing on the radio.  Uploaded without audio to prevent that.



    According to the officer, he told the police that I suddenly sped up while he was merging.

    The officer on-scene was very professional.  A witness stopped and backed up my story.  The officer on scene took both of our statements, plus the witness statement.  He said he knew the other guy was at fault but when he watched this video it was all over.



  11. Two witnesses stopped.  One said the guy passed me on the right and then changed lanes into me, exactly what I said.  The other witness told a tale about back and forth road rage that neither myself, the other witness or event he other driver agreed with, and even the cops were shaking their heads at.

  12. So I just had some guy make a lane change into me on the freeway. If you were slowed down on the north side between 0845 and 0945 then sorry!

    He is being cited for unsafe lane change. His truck is wrecked - he lost control and hit the median when he PITted himself against my fender. My fender and bumper are toast, but otherwise my car is fine.



  13. Thanks man. According to this map: http://connectohio.org/connectednationftp/ohio/County_Maps/County_Broadband3M/Broadband3M_Fairfield.pdf

    I have fixed wireless broadband available. Whatever the hell that is.



    We had fixed wireless through NexGenAccess for a while.  4Gig connection.  Reliability was not great, though, as this particular provider was a small operation.  Any lightning storm was a chance they'd lose some piece of equipment.   All my network gear is on UP but our signal was relayed through a local HAM operator's tower and he didn't have UPS on his router, so when the power went out, so did the internet.  I got to know him VERY well as I visited him often to ask him to reboot his router when the power came back.

  14. - Satellite has latency times that cannot be improved beyond a certain point due to science and stuff.

    - Fixed wireless (NexgenAccess, BrightNet etc) are a good option if someone in your line of sight has a ham tower.  Not screaming fast, but better than dialup.

    - 4G is expensive but very fast.  Overage charges will make you cry.

    - 3G might be an option too, just not as fast.

    - DSL is worth a look.  We had nothing for the longest time then suddenly found out one day form my neighbor that we have DSL as an option.  7G, so not lightning fast, but only about $40/mo  My phone bill is just a dialtone and DSL and it was $90 last month, so I gotta find out what that schizz is all about.

    - We were promised by insight that we'd have digital cable within the year when we were considering buying the house.   Still no digital cable. That was 14 years ago.

  15. If he is a Brit or Aussie--his location is shown as Lordstown???--shouldn't the right side of his tire be more worn than the left?  They ride on the 'wrong' side of the road, ya know.


    Born in England.  Moved to Ohio.  Been here 17 years.

  16. IAs for the OP, that tire wear would make me take a serious look at my bike's history for crash damage.  It's not that uncommon for tires to wear unevenly and be slightly more worn on the left side simply due to the crown of the road, but that pattern appears excessive.  One of the easiest diagnosis for a bike out of alignment is to let go of the bars while at steady speed and see if the bike tracks straight without needing to use body lean or foot pressure on the pegs.  Of course, you must remove any bags or accessories that might significantly influence the bike's center of mass and you must find a road that is as level as possible with little or no crown, and the there can be no crosswind.  If you find and fix the problem, you'll be amazed at just how much more easily you can attack cornering--everything just feels right.


    I have had the bike since new.  Only been on it's side once, side bag hit a metal pole at walking speed and fell over sideways into a bush, no damage.


    If I let go of the bars the steering wobbles side to side slightly like the worlds mildest tank-slapper.  Just the bars - not enough to influence the rest of the bike.


    I'll try the string method as a 4th test.

  17. If he has not title for it because he's executor of his dad's estate, it was his dad's bike and they just can't find the paperwork...  Then work with them on it.  I'm sure they can get a duplicate or something.


    If the seller has never had a title then you are not only trusting HIM to be honest, you are also implicity trusting the guy HE bought it from.


    Does it currently have plates?  How did he register it without a title?  Are the plates legit?


    Not only would I walk away, but I'd also run a VIN search on the BMV to find the last time the title was issued. 


    May have been a bike that was abandoned and the owner is either dead or out of the country or otherwise not in a position to know/report it as stolen.  It may be reported at as stolen in the future, or maybe not.  You won't know until the police knock on your door.  Even if titled to you the original owner can still report it as stolen and greatly complicate things for you.

  18. Not overloading. Just myself and sometimes my 10yo. The only luggage I carry is my laptop for work in one side case, and my son's safety gear in the other. Top case has only his helmet in it. Tank bag has a first aid kit and some hand tools.

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