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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.33 If you are in backup in the left lane, and you see a vehicle driving down the empty right lane, and you cross half into the right lane to stop them, then there are a few problems with that. One is 4511.33 (A)(1) above. - If the 'traffic cop' claims they were in a single lane as required but then moved out of that lane as the other car tried to drive past and caused a collision then they are in violation for moving out of their lane when it was not safe to do so. - If they claim they were straddling both lanes for some time and that the car behind should have seen them an not hit them, then they are also admitting to a violation of not driving within a single lane. - Either way, the passing car only needs to say the car changes lanes at the last second and the evidence at the scene will show the "traffic cop's" car half out of his lane. There's also http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.22 By straddling the lanes and thereby stopping or driving at an unreasonably slow speed (for the open lane) then they are in violation.Think about it this way... As I passed all those cars there were about a dozen driveways and a couple roads on the right. Any one of those 'traffic cops' who were denying that 3/4mile (measured it) of lane were also blocking people who wanted to turn right before the merge point. There's a clear violation there. Even a$$holes like me who are passing the traffic to get ahead of the backup can do so while remaining in full compliance with the law. All the law states is that I have to change lanes safely when it comes time to merge. There no law that I know of the defines how early or late you can or must merge out of a lane that is closed ahead.
  2. I understand why they want to do it - but they don't realize that if there is a collision then THEY are the ones who are committing a Marked Lanes violation. I won't go out of my way to allow someone to merge after they've skipped the backlog - but I certainly won't straddle lanes in order to stop them.
  3. It's jealousy for some people. For others it's just as you said; "If I can't you can't". The bike gives me so much more freedom to move around - I love it. I don't lane split unless the alternative is more dangerous (I hate stop and go traffic - always worried I'll get rear-ended). I don't pass on double-yellows unless the vehicle is travelling at less than half the posted speed limit and I can see far enough ahead to get around safely (yep, law says you can do that). I don't ride fast and i don't attack twisties so if I ever come to grief on the bike it will be with another vehicle. As such I go out of my way to get away from other vehicles. If I find myself in a cluster of cars I WILL get out and away from the group so I can ride with nothing but empty space around me.
  4. Sorry to hear. If anything is "good" about this, it's having the chance to say goodbye properly. When my mother died it was unexpected and by the time I flew back to the UK (24 hours notice) she was unconscious in ICU and died a couple of hours later with the family around. It was like she waited for me to gather with the family. I would have liked to have spoken with her one last time. The last time we spoke, the week before, she asked me if I was successful in life *because* of her or *in spite of* her. I didn't answer her. That one word has haunted me for more than 10 years. Becuase.
  5. The lane disappears at the end due to construction. People had all gone into the left lane leaving the right lane completely open for all that distance, nearly a mile. No reason to leave a mile of lane unused. You can merge closer. The two trucks in the lane were keeping pace with the gaps in the left lane that they had come from, and they were stopping people using the right lane. Same with all the cars that were parked across the white line, trying to block the traffic in the right lane. I know how annoying it is to wait in a long line of traffic while cars drive by in the lane that is about to go away - but you have to be reasonable about where you merge. If you merge a mail in advance then good for you. There's still a lot of empty lane that if people actually used then the backup would be shorter.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h5OdYjA14k No sound. Gotta love the self-appointed traffic cops who intentionally block the lane.
  7. My wife was driving home from work yesterday (5/22) and as she was northbound on Hamilton road at 17:38 she saw a yellow sportbike/streetfighter (not a cruiser or touring bike) on it's side in the southbound lane of south Hamilton road outside Hamilton Square. The police had the southbound lanes blocked off and they were measuring the scene with a surveyor's level. (accident investigator) Anyone heard anything? The biker's hi-viz gear and helmet were on the floor near the bike.
  8. It was 1000. Not 100. You can't even remember your own BS?
  9. If the witnesses prove to be unreliable then we go with the physical evidence.
  10. Annual violent crime rate in the US averages 500 victims per 100k population. About 40 times higher than the traffic fatality rate of 13/100k. Accounting for murder only, the rate is about 5 homicides per 100k population, about two-fifths the rate of traffic fatalities 1000 times? If traffic fatalities are 1000 times higher than the homicide rate then that is 5000 deaths per 100k, or 5% of the population annually. In the US there would be 15 million deaths per year, and there are only 4 million births per year. Americans would be extinct in 27 years. That would mean that Ohio would see 575k deaths per year, or 1600 dead per day. 247 deaths per day in Columbus alone. Do you think before you open your mouth?
  11. One drawback with a helmet... You know how you get loose hairs stuck in the liner? Ever had one of those hairs snake its way into your ear canal while riding?
  12. I installed a bunch of software on my wife's new laptop one time, and she came back and suspiciously asked; "What is SpyBOT, and why did you install it?" Of course the IT types out there will recognize that as SpyBOT Search & Destroy, an anti-spyware app.
  13. http://www.live5news.com/story/18580041/officials-seek-parents-who-put-baby-in-washing-machine Looks like the kid was interested in the washing machine and the father offered the kid to sit iside. When he closed the door the machine started up and started filling with water. Not clear if it was tumbling. After being unable to door (automatic lock) they ran to get an attendant who cut power to the machine from the back, but still had to wait out the door lock timeout. Child said to be ok. Video link is broken, so I found another copy on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjGtPiM_iO0
  14. THIS is what they are talking about when they someone is "mean as sh!t".
  15. Nor should we be expected to observe a national day or mourning when a helmetless rider dies in a collision that a helmet would easily have saved him from. How fast was Indian Larry going during his fatal crash? 5mph?
  16. Touché. Just, touché. So no:leghump:??
  17. He never said they were high standards...
  18. That's your choice. I respect that. My choice is that if my life is threatened I'm not going to give the other guy a "sporting chance".
  19. slingingchic, let us know when you've kicked his ass to the curb so the :leghump: can begin.
  20. My uncle is a prison warden (~30 years in) and I got this from him. It's depressing to see how some folks who just don't care about their freedom will commit crimes just so they can be jailed and not have to worry about food or housing for a few years.
  21. Scruit

    WTF head??

    Quit making me laugh at work!
  22. Scruit

    WTF head??

    I would expect them to re-take the pic if it was a mistake.
  23. I'm naming my gun "my little finger" for the same reason. Nobody who sees the new report will eve mess with me again. "Yeah, he tried to rob me so I killed him with my little finger." Having said that, "A well-lubricated melon" would also be an epic name for a gun in that same news report...
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