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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Letting people take guns out into public requires a great deal of trust in that person's skills.
  2. Good luck with doing away with the license in one fell swoop. On the other hand, liberalize the rules to a point where the permit is just a piece of paper... The liberalization has to come with reassurances of additional safety. (IBIWARS)
  3. Meh. There are plenty folks who think confiscation is the way to go, and have done for a long time. This is nothing new - we just have the political conditions now that the news will report any controversial opinions to sell copies. If he said that pro-2a folks should have their citizenship revoked then the paper would print 2x as many copies knowing that regardless of people agree with him or not they would still read the story.
  4. I wrote to Brown. If he doesn't hear from people who oppose his opinion then he'll think he has consensus. Don't know if it will change anything,m but if 90% of his feedback is "no awb" then that will weigh on his mind when he tries to figure out how far to push it. PLEASE if you are a swing voter let him know. party-line Republican voters are a lost cause to him and he knows it - party-line dems are always going to support him. His job depends on swing voters like me.
  5. The 2a is already infringed and we're ok with it. Felons cannot own, diagnosed mental patients and alcoholics cannot own. Some infringement is needed to balance one group's rights against another, whether that be 2a, or 1a (libel and slander are not protected free speech, sacrificing virgins to the devil is not free exercise of religion) We are about to undergo a radical shift in that balance point. We will have to trust the the Republican-controlled house, the NRA and the rest of us law-abiding folks do what we need to protect our rights as much as we can. The House will only pass what the Republicans allow. Time to write / call / email / visit your representatives and let them know what you want. We can be assured the antis are doing the same thing.
  6. Agreed. I'm looking for a simple way to show that you don't get someone who gets a CHL and never shoots it again, then 6 years later when the need it they couldn't hit the side of a barn.
  7. Then we do a log book like a pilot. Show receipts for ammo purchases instead. What suggestions do you have for proving continued competency and marksmanship? How about an annual qualification shoot? Go to the gun range, pay then $5 to supervise you shooting a given target and then certify and notarize your score. This certified target must be kept on hand, and the most recent one must be shown at renewal.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in8b1XQfGeU
  9. Don't forget their "common sense" gun laws.
  10. - School district employees added to the list of people who don't have to pay the CHL application fee (list currently includes police/military etc) - Renewals must show proof that they attended at least 12 hours range time per year (in any increments) as proven by receipts. Hours of training count double. - End to most state CPZs. Schools/daycares especially, "soft targets" where our most precious citizens are yet we cannot defend them. - Private CPZs should remain, but have new conditions: -- No place may be a private CPZ if people are required by law to go there. (schools etc) -- Private CPZs are for buildings only - no parking lots.
  11. I would be all over this if I hadn't just added a few to my collection in the last couple weeks. I've spent waaay too much money recenlty. My first exposure to guns was being trained by the British Military on this rifle (Army Cadets, aged 13-16, basically "Boy Scouts with Guns")
  12. Do they make lefty receivers (and bolts) or some kind of brass deflector?
  13. Read this and use your judgement on if it impacts your situation. (Emphasis mine) http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.126 2923.126 [Effective Until 1/1/2014] Duties of licensed individual. (A) A license to carry a concealed handgun that is issued under section 2923.125 of the Revised Code on or after March 14, 2007, shall expire five years after the date of issuance, and a license that is so issued prior to March 14, 2007, shall expire four years after the date of issuance. A licensee who has been issued a license under that section shall be granted a grace period of thirty days after the licensee’s license expires during which the licensee’s license remains valid. Note: I would never discourage training. I'm a proponent of getting as much training as possible. Heck, I wouldn't lose any sleep if they required proof of at least 12 hours of range time a year (proven by way of receipts from any range) - I know that real enthusiasts shoot more than that anyway. Having said that, don't fret over it if you don't need to.
  14. http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/ending-prepositions.aspx
  15. Gun shows are for visiting 30 different vendors in one room. Can save a bunch of time versus going to Fin, Blackwing, Norton, Vances etc.
  16. I rewrote that in English for you. "What does anyone need an AR for?" Answer: Whatever the hell I want.
  17. Under current law first renewal does not require further training.
  18. M16 is the full auto AR15...
  19. No DBs in our class. Best bit was after the rinkdiggers (range guns) were put away they gave us all 5 shots with a $2k Kimber 1911. At 25' put 5 shots in one ragged hole. Good fun.
  20. Drill press. Sorry! My brain is still in workout mode. Do you even lift?
  21. I did my class at New Albany Shooting Range the year they passed CC in Ohio. 12 people, one day, 8am to 9pm. (so that we could have breaks and still get 12 hours) The mix of folks wasn't all that diverse. 50/50 men women and a couple older folks. I was the youngest at ~31
  22. Am I the only guy in the world whose Hint Gland doesn't work?
  23. Lower receviers "in stock" for $80? http://newfrontierarmory.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=245_285&products_id=58514
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