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Everything posted by grapesmuggler27

  1. Tenativly hell 2 are sold! Thanks mj your awesome!!!!
  2. I want more scruming in that video
  3. I wash my gear after every track day throughout the year seems to work and keeps the flys away
  4. Winner winner chicken dinner. I doubt you will need a neutral though prolly just a ground
  5. It's not the voltage that kills ya its the amps
  6. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVYpOFimB7ZA%26sns%3Dfb&sns=fb&v=VYpOFimB7ZA&gl=US Hope this isn't a repost and if it is oh well its still Fucking awesome.
  7. If I'm not mistaking hotbodies was having a sale buy one set get one free, can't remember if that was for racers only or open but worth checking out
  8. Very cool play, I posted it to my facebook
  9. Don't know if you can get insight out there but its actually really good service
  10. Fixed it for ya!!! And no snuggle time last night but a nooner today!!! Max now how ac though but didn't want to spoon afterwards
  11. Sure you don't want me to come tonight lol
  12. I'm in blacklick if you need someone to look at it and fix it got the parts in my truck
  13. Sent a pm but this is what i Do for a livng and if anyone else needs help cheap let me know ask dubguy I repaired a furnace for him on the cheap!
  14. Sounds like a fan motor or the capacitior is bad
  15. You all may want to watch the gay comments people around here get offended
  16. Oh that's where I parked it
  17. Ditto, me and the girlfriend are trying to figure it out
  18. Let me see if I can find a baby sitter for Sunday if so I will take them
  19. Welcome to ohio riders where bikes, butt sex, guns and drinking are brought up in every thread!
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