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Everything posted by grapesmuggler27

  1. Thank god I got my second one called in this morning
  2. http://www.armslist.com/posts/1587534/columbus-ohio-rifles-for-sale--spikes-ar15-stripped-lower-multi-cal-bullet-markings-spider-logo Its armslist but from a "dealer"
  3. Shawn for what its worth I found the same lower for $190, I can vouch for how fast these are being grabbed up. The more I think about it the more I'm kicking myself for not buying 2
  4. Let me know what genny your getting before you buy one. We can get whole house gennys at a decent cost that run on natural gas and I can help you hook it up
  5. Maybe its a supporter perk but I can edit all my post
  6. I took this of you two at nelson last time I raced there. Always thought it was kinda a cool pic. Would you 2 please sign it for me
  7. Your right but proove to a court you were not...REASONABLE suspicion plus a positive test would be pretty hard to beat not impossible. Just make it easy don't drink and drive and don't do drugs and drive seems pretty simple
  8. I would imagine typical things blood shot eyes, dilated pupils, smell etc...as far as actual test I'm not sure. But if probable cause was there I'm sure there's some test.
  9. Its a OVI checkpoint. By ohio law ovi is under the influence of drugs or alcohol http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.19
  10. Chris correct me if I'm wrong but the only thing you can be cited for at a dui check point is a dui at least I'm pretty sure that's how it is inOhio. So unless he suspected him of being drunk he should of been sent on his way. As far as the ID goes, you do not have to surrender your ID unless you have commited or suspected of comming a crime. Since this was a dui check point and since all they are allowed to check for is dui and since they never said the think he was ssuspected of being drunk he shouldn't of had to surrender his I'd either.
  11. I'm going to go either saturday or sunday. Anyone have a cheap ticket to spare??
  12. Please please please tell me you called that number
  13. Half of he kids on this sight has no idea about that number
  14. I hink you only had 1 left when I was there Wednesday. Either way I may try to swing in and grab a couple more today if I can get through work in time
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