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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. Wait... that doesn't make sense. "If you hate socialism, move to a socialist/communist country."

    That makes about as much sense as,"I hate socialism,so move the manufacturing base to a socialist country,borrow money from the same socialist country so you can buy their products and then bitch about U.S. unemployment and taxes."

  2. I've got my fingers crossed that it's going to be pavement and not chipseal.We'll know in a few weeks...they have the signs up on 669 so they should be working on it soon.

    On a related note on paving...I was on 594 east of Caldwell yesterday and they are preping it for paving.I talked to a couple of guys on the road crew and they said it will be pavement.It connects with newly paved 145 and 595.595 will take you over to 260 near Marr.Also,if you turn off of 595 at the road sign for Lebanon Church it will become Washington CR11 at the couty line.The first mile off of 595 is old pavement,but hang in there because CR11 is new pavement on a VERY curvy road all the way to 821.It's all good in that area.

  3. Nope, won't fit on the bike.

    That's what I'm thinking.All of that info and it doesn't include the most important spec...packed dimensions.

    It does look cool though.I wonder...does a lighted tent attract or repel bears?

  4. I've got three suggestions for you...1)on the carreer front...have you ever considered getting in a electrical construction union?It would take a little while(5 years),and you might have to travel,but with the skills you already have and the skills you would learn in an apprenticeship you could be looking at$80k- $100k annually.Look into becoming an instrument tech.

    Suggestion #2...spend about an hour on an alzhiemers ward.Everyday the world tells you what you don't have,one hour seeing these poor folks will bring it all back home about what you DO HAVE!

    Suggestion #3...if you can possibly swing it,get on your bike,pack a tent,and head to the rocky moutains or Yosimite.Stay away from t.v.s,stay away from cell phones and get back to who you are.Bask in the natural beauty,camp,breath the moutain air,walk among the big trees and ride some mountain roads.You don't need the shit the world tells you,you need.

    Don't let those people at work bring you down.When you are on your deathbed,which I hope is many decades from now,the only people that will be important will be the people you love.All of these people that you are giving this power to,to adveresly affect your life will be long forgotten.Every day people try so hard to please people at work and if the truth be told most of those people couldn't give a shit less if you live or die.

    Realign priorities,it should be your God,your family and you.

    • Upvote 1
  5. For God's sake vote for Obama...Romney is going to take your guns and your god.Besides,remember the last election... the lunatic fringe had some folks thinking Obama was going to take your guns and ammo,did that happen?

    Just vote Obama and keep your guns and God.

  6. I'm pretty content where I live now...close enough to Columbus and Nelsonville for concerts and right on the edge of the great motorcycle riding area of s.e.o.

    If I was to choose somewhere else in the U.S. I'd go for northern California,somewhere in the Santa Rosa/Petaluma area...only because Marin county is to freaking expensive.Great riding,cool weather,beautiful scenery,redwoods,pacific coast,lane splitting,close to San Francisco for music,motorcycle friendly drivers and still a little hippy attitude.;)

  7. I was looking at the ODOT construction plan for 2012 and it looks like Morgan county is going to have some great riding in the fall.The best part of 669 is getting new pavement as is the connecting part of 555.A little south of 555/669 377 is also getting new pavement and farther south 792 is on the list.Connect all of these great roads with 376 on the other side of the Muskingum river and you'll have one great twisty loop!I can't wait.

    Other highlights on the district 10 list are...

    Athens co 681 from 33 to 56

    Galia co 790 and a large section of 218

    Monroe co 78 from Woodsfield to Claradon(7)

    800 south of Woodsfield


    If you like that twisty new pavement like I do,this is some great news!

    Check it out...http://www.dot.state.oh.us/districts/D10/Documents/ConstructionBrochure_d10.pdf

  8. A little south of you...775,790,218,217,some of 141 and possibly Greasy Ridge Rd if the pavement is still good.I haven't been on these roads for over a year so I don't know if pavement conditions are still good.217 from 7 to 218 is very twisty,it's only about 6 miles,but it connects to all the other roads mentioned.

    218 runs south out of Gallipolis and connects to the other roads.

    Go North and there is a ton of good roads,but they're a little farther away.

  9. Good to hear the surgery went well.If you went to one of the medical hobby shops in Zanesville your a braver man then me.

    Very sorry to hear about the break up,its never good when you don't want it,but a lot of us have been there.Wanna hear about the nurse I put through school?Me neither!Hang in there,this too will pass.

  10. Okay. Updated my original post in case you wanted to sticky this. Could you guys review it, let me know if I missed anything and let me know the things that should be in bold?

    Nice job abdecal!Now if the admins will make your list a sticky it will be a good place for new riders to get some helpful info.:bow:

  11. In any case, fire up your mapping site of choice, and scan down to street level and look for good curvy roads. Ain't hard. Then, go explore them. If you find one, you can even keep it a secret it'll make ya feel special.

    ...or for us old school types:rolleyes:...


  12. Some of the best roads in the state are county roads and highways.

    I agree...county roads are very overlooked.

    Here's a few of my favorites;

    Washington CR 11,42(posted about these earlier this spring)

    Archers Fork Rd(on 26 N of Marietta)posted a year or so ago

    Rinauld Mills Rd(on 26 at Rinauld Mills to 260)new pavement on 260 side,new pavement ends at county line.

    Greasy Ridge Rd(Near South Point)haven't been on it for awhile,don't know pavement condition.Posted a couple years ago.

    Big Pine Rd,Illsboro-Ceder Falls,Kreashbaum,Harble-Griffith(be careful on this one) and Thompson Ridge(all in the Hocking Hills area)

    Salt Creek Dr.(runs from Duncan Falls to 146)getting paved this year.

    Congo Rd(Perry county)pavement is getting a little rough.

    Off the top of my head this would be my top 10,not neccessarily in order.One thing about county roads...you have to know how to read corners because sharp turns probably won't have signs suggesting speed like state routes do and pavement conditions can change drastically...especially at county lines.Just make your first pass at a sane speed...then have fun!:D

  13. Be very aware of your lane position.Be sure to not get in anyone's blind spot,if you can't see their face in their mirror they probably can't see you.Sped up or slow down,but don't stay in their blind spot.

    Don't ride in the middle of the lane,that's where all the junk(sand,oil,car parts,road kill,etc) will be.Stay in the car's tire tracks...it tends to be cleaner there.If there is no one in front of me I stay in the right tire track to keep a little cushion between me and on coming traffic.If there are cars in front of me I stay in the left tire track so on coming traffic can see me.

    And for God's sake don't get trapped behind a cattle truck...ever see how much pee is in a holstein?

  14. That's a great looking bike,especially for you're first bike.

    My first ride...I don't remember my first ride,but I know it would have been on my little YZ80 around '73.My first legal ride would have been on a Kawi TE250 in '76.Over 200,000 miles later it's still a blast!

  15. Really sorry to hear that price tag,I was very interested in riding an American made sport-tourer.I would have considered buying one at $20,000.I can get TWO FJR's for that price and the FJR is a proven bike with an extensive dealer network and aftermarket accessory dealers.

  16. I think $4800 is a little high for an '09.I have an '08 and I seriously doubt I could get more than $2800-$3000 out of mine...but I have about 20,000 miles on it.

    To my way of thinking the KLR is basically a road bike...it's pretty heavy for anything offroad.If you're going to be playing in deep sand or a lot of off road I'd look for something lighter,maybe a KTM or DRZ.If you're planning on long rides and some off road,KLR might work for you.

    • Upvote 1
  17. I agree with wicked94s10,I would be happy with one set a year.I go through two sets a year...at least.

    I've had 4 different brands of tires on my FJR and none of them got over 8000 miles.

    If you really want high miles you can do what some folks in the FJR community are doing...mount a car tire.They're geting about 30,000 miles.They refer to it as going to the dark side.It's not for me.

  18. I'll ride Hocking with you tomorrow. What time you want to head out and where you want to meet?

    I think you're in Columbus from your profile and FB page' date=' what side of town?

    I'm on the west side, Hilliard area, Roberts Rd. I'll PM you with my cell number,

    the Google number in my sig doesn't ring my cell, it goes straight to voicemail.

    Do you have a route already in mind?[/quote']

    I might meet you guys in either Lancaster or Logan if you don't mind.I could map out a route if you want.

    I'll check the thread when we get back tonight.

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