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Posts posted by Bad324

  1. On 5/18/2023 at 2:54 PM, Tonik said:

    Jesus does that place suck.

    A good friend of mine's husband own a bomb BBQ joint like 15 mins NE of downtown Cinci. He loves BBQ and frequenting every joint he can to get ideas, inspiration, etc. and I've never really heard him have a negative thing to say until I asked him about that one. Thankfully he steered me away because ever since I've not heard good things. 

  2. On 12/25/2022 at 12:08 PM, Pauly said:

    Large group rides are overrated, but I definently enjoy rolling with the usual suspects that I know and trust. Crashing is never off the table, but it can be mitigated with competent riders. 

    A failure I see more than anything is a lack of understanding between new riders and veteran riders on what constitutes a ride. While I firmly stake my flag in the soil of "personal accountability", some folks get in over their heads. The difference between riding a bike to work every day and riding a bike in the twisties is massive. It is not the same thing in the slightest to the average rider. 

    I have a friend that has been riding for decades, but he commutes. When we hit the mountains he can't begin to stay on pace with the rest of us. He just doesn't have that skillset because it isn't how he rides. He can pilot a bike, but he has to do it at his own pace. Luckily, he's mature enough to recognize this and doesn't try to keep up. That plays a major role.. personal accountability and leaving ego at the house. 

    This rings so true. I was almost always the least talented rider on any group ride with you guys and managed to stay in one piece because of it. I can really only think of two moments that I was truly on the edge of being over my head and luckily managed to recover both 

  3. Don't get the plastic tiles. I have an unknown brand in my garage the PO put in and they suck. I haven't taken them out yet because I'm afraid to see what hellscape is underneath and all my $ are getting sunk in to this BBQ shack patio project to deal with it

    Get the vinyl flooring stuff

  4. On 6/10/2022 at 12:54 PM, Tonik said:

    So glad that place went out of business. It sucked.

    100% on board with this. I only went one time but was not impressed.


    As for a gap trip, I'd be real interested bringing my jeep/truck bastard especially with the OG's. @Likwid got me looking at facebook pics not an hour ago  

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Uncle Punk said:

    That Porsche is magic.

    Great, plane Covid. I flew to Florida in December and got me some Covid. I'm flying to Atlanta in June and half expecting the same shit. 

    Thanks for reminding me to dread the upcoming flight. 

    if it makes you feel better, I flew the day after they announced no more mask requirement, from FL to OH, on a Spirit flight no less and escaped it 

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