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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I know your logic seems sound to you and when you put it the way you're putting it, it seems logical. Yet I think I'll stay on my side of the court with tangible scientific proof then a wild notion of made up stories from thousands of years ago
  2. Oh yes it all makes total sense now!1!!!1!1!1!
  3. I notice someone has gone quiet so I'll stir the pot... Woke up and my heater in my house is dead...did God kill that too? Or I dunno was it maybe faulty manufactured parts a 9yr old Asian child pushed through QC
  4. Hawaii is now in jeopardy so I might be back in for this. I'm really really hoping it's off for this trip as well as just in case the .0001% chance the Cavs give me a parade
  5. Bad324


    Love this season!
  6. And this isn't an issue of being a trendy atheist God hating hipster cause that's not it. I believe in God for sure What I don't believe is 90% of the bullshit that is spewed by Catholics and "devout Christians" Sorry, I grew up and developed a mind of my own and figured out how spam makes up organized religion
  7. I concur that heat was the cause of death. I disagree saying that god killed the dog. With that logic god kills babies and with catholic thinking that is practically the same thing as abortion so God supports abortion
  8. That name has less to do with Obama as it does the kind of idiocy that has become this country over the last decade or so. It just so happens those idiots elected him twice and intensified the shit-tastic-ness of a country this land has become
  9. I believe in god just fine. The sun created the heat and some common male and female created the idiot that left the dog in the car. The dudes negligence killed the dog, not God
  10. So unless you believe God has reincarnated himself a 2014 Barney Fife...I'm gonna have to go ahead and say this saying has no bearing
  11. Didn't we go in October a few years back Pauly?
  12. Ok after a few months of the new job I officially change my mind. Yes I've finally had the thought of F it
  13. Bad324

    Nathan's Law

    Reading is overrated
  14. Bad324

    Nathan's Law

    YesBut I'm not arguing for or against. Looking for the short answer of why thst article title justifies it as unfair without having to read the damn thing
  15. if it's where I think you're going please have a spare bedroom with bunk beds for me and Jewbacca!
  16. Bad324

    Nathan's Law

    I didn't read it and as we all know I have no dog in this fight but can you give me a quick reasoning of it being igorant?My guess has something to do with wear and tear on the roadway being the reasoning? The simplistic mindset of mine certainly wants to say "share the roadway? Sure, share the damn fees and I'm good with it"
  17. Bad324

    Nathan's Law

    I was being sarcastic honestly. Bicyclists don't bother me really. If you can't safely pass a bicyclist on the road my general opinion is that you shouldn't have a license in the first placeBut in the fun of being argumentative...forget your link and "unfair". Life is unfair so deal with it
  18. Bad324

    Nathan's Law

    GET OFF MY ROAD! Unless you pay $40/yr for that damn thing to be in my way
  19. Ditto. Nieces and nephews and my friends kids totally are enough for me for at least a few years
  20. If I was single I would totally downsize to an older house a tad smaller but with a big ass garage and land. If my wife had it her way we wouldn't work and we would travel all over the world...I'm not a fan of traveling. Costs too damn much for something that only lasts a week. I'd rather have a tangible asset
  21. Nope. I like money and stuff too much
  22. I meant it in the modifying riding habits way. Frankly I don't find it a poor characteristic but that's just me
  23. High school is so much different than 11-14 years ago when I was in it
  24. Personally I think people complaining about the vtec are just looking for something to complain about. You just learn real quick how to operate it to avoid said annoyances differently than an I4. I feel like that's the bit problem is people used to the I4 then hopping on the VFR once and being annoyed because it's different. I have a pciii on mine with a tune that smooths out the vtec kick which helped solve the so called annoyance of it
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