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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I'm testy cause I'm hungry and it's now annoying. You're like the kid with one line in 2nd grade that won't shut the hell up with it. It's old
  2. Car shopping is awesome. Unless you're trying to dump a 2013 lease
  3. I'm bad, my sister is MAD. I go from BAD to asshole
  4. My friend talked myself in to trying nutrisystem. Yesterday was Day 1 and I'm soooo hungry
  5. Because you don't have a clue and I don't give a shit to tell you
  6. So looks like if I'm doing this there is a high probability it'll be in the slow group and 2 up
  7. Baxley for sure. Love mineSpeaking of mine...I might need that back soon
  8. Both are terrible. Spring for adriaticos or gtfo
  9. So far all I can say that every single individual involved in this is in the wrong. Police, suspect shot, rioters, etc...
  10. Bad324

    Deals Gap 2015

    I want the new cabins then! I've stayed in cabins twice and the lodge once and never had any luck
  11. Bad324

    Deals Gap 2015

    I disagree about wifi/cell service in most cabins. I've stayed at FontNa 3 times and not once has wifi worked in the cabin. Always had to go to the gas station pavilion or general store to pickit up. Not that I'm complaining because it's never bothered me but just stating my experience
  12. Bad324

    Deals Gap 2015

    I can't possibly pass up a most expenses paid trip to Hawaii. Say what you want but that would be ludicrous and you know it
  13. I call bullshit on this. Plenty of anger inducing things happen in suburbs and other areas, why is there no looting taking place in these areas?It's an excuse to act like animals and get shit for free. Well the looting part anyway. If you recall the Rodney King riots and looting, there is video footage of someone saying it's ok because it should be considered reparations. That shit is tired in my opinion
  14. Bad324

    Deals Gap 2015

    I miss lunch in Georgia I'll have to settle for lunch in Hawaii this year. Can't believe I'm missing this 2 years in a row. For shame
  15. Mr multiple bikes had none for awhile? Damn son. Getting old blows!
  16. Robbery...yup. Not surprised with other pictures I've seen of this upstanding citizen
  17. Also I don't understand why the hell the inner city's response to things is always rioting. Yea let's go ahead and make our shitty ghetto even shittier
  18. I don't care what the reason is for anyone to riot. There is NO good reason IMO and dealing with rioters with necessary force should be deemed legal
  19. I also am cheap. Took me 2 seasons before I finally did it. Wish I did it way sooner. Best $120 I spent on a motorcycle mod to date
  20. I barely ride 1 bike, no point in having 2
  21. Yea it's vtec
  22. Looks like one heck of a VFR!
  23. Hockey is the only sport I'm pretty sure someone got hit with criminal charges while on the ice I could be wrong though, thought I remember this from years ago when the dude basically swing his stick like a baseball bat at some dudes head/neck
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