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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. no most I ever paid was .60/rd
  2. complete factory unit. Bought it off the shelf and has literally been out of the case 2x, once after I bought it and once to show my brother in law to compare to the AR he ordered at the time. Thought I would get out to use it but never have and now I've found something I would use and its half your fault
  3. so I might start selling this stuff separate if enough people start calling dibs. I've got my eye on a new toy I'd like to try and pick up
  4. get a better bike and profit on long rides. Thats what got me into hitting the 400 mile days, couldn't do it in my CBR, The 636 however was a tad better and was what i did my first 300 miler on orrrrrrr just suck it up and come hit the good shit
  5. if enough people want to then I would be in, I've never done one before
  6. it depends on what kind of ride, who and where for me to make that declaration
  7. ok just curious, I keep debating doing a ride next Saturday or finally finishing my deck with a free day available
  8. Who wants in for a bragging rights league? League will be on Yahoo! Post or PM me your email address so I can send invites
  9. well unless I somehow come into a large chunk of money, it'll be 4-5 years down the road but I know how the busy schedules go Also, I just realized in 4-5 years you might be retired with your AARP card so plenty of free time
  10. MP you better still be doing this in a few years cause my next place is going to have one and you'll be required to travel to CLE to install one for me
  11. I want to say that 12oclocklabs had one on his site when I bought a speedohealer from him years ago for my first 600RR
  12. 28S is an absolute must This is one of the best loops I've done to incorporate all you're wanting to do https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Fontana+Dam,+NC&daddr=34.9799769,-83.1869027+to:34.8726705,-83.1556841+to:34.7773136,-83.7387307+to:34.7268223,-83.8464369+to:Suches,+GA+to:Toccoa+Ave+to:TN-68+N+to:N+Carolina+143+E%2FCounty+Rd+1116%2FCherohala+Skyway+to:US-129+S+to:State+Hwy+115%2FUS-129+N+to:Fontana+Dam,+NC&hl=en&sll=35.51602,-83.887482&sspn=0.286713,0.617294&geocode=FWTpHAId3CwB-ykzZAq_S7heiDFvubCq4R7i5g%3BFYjAFQIdKqsK-yl7SekToOFYiDEfOIkJImetyw%3BFV4dFAIdHCUL-ylNCkgm2-VYiDH-zvkYyCr7dQ%3BFeGoEgIdlj8C-ylP-tQTSDdfiDGveY_uKUyubw%3BFabjEQId3JoA-ymxcTQ9tThfiDHAOTemY4S5dA%3BFdNPEQIdiOz9-ikn-BtTmWxfiDFxVXd3qqqUpA%3BFU7gFQIdA574-g%3BFT-cGwIdBKz5-g%3BFcNFGwIdNhAB-w%3BFfTpHAIdbjP_-g%3BFTGQHgId5iL--g%3BFWTpHAId3CwB-ykzZAq_S7heiDFvubCq4R7i5g&oq=Fontana&gl=us&dirflg=h&mra=ps&via=1,2,3,4&t=m&z=9
  13. I can't this weekend but are you planning anything for the 10th?
  14. Lots and lots of outlets. When I bought my house I was pumped with having 6 dual socket outlets and have been surprised at the amount of times I wish I had more Lots of good lighting Great drainage Really nice flooring Extra tall doors
  15. Bad324


    are they actually open cutting the roads or boring the pipe under? Do you happen to know what company(ies) are down where you're talking about. I'm pretty sure if its where I'm thinking we had to turn that job down and a few others because we are just too busy currently It is what you think it is indeed. SEO should be booming and right now it is only at a crawl
  16. I'll let you know. My original plan was to have next weekend available for any road trip to buy a bike for him however that just got derailed last night. He wants me to go with to check out and possibly test ride any bike and I feel bad because my schedule is so absolutely jam packed with crap I don't know when I can especially if it involves a road trip where I'd need to bring the trailer
  17. vfr huh....want an overpriced but finely tuned and maintained 06
  18. deep fryer is sold treadmill doesn't work and I can't figure out why, I think a wire between the control panel and motor might be the issue but its not free with pick up
  19. good choice. Recently tried to trade mine and couldn't go through with it. Probably been my favorite gun I've had to date!
  20. I was going to ask the same thing
  21. This is my #1 choice for him but I like to keep options open yes love that site but as I stated I'm trying to not deal with craigslist morons until I have to which is why I wanted to see what people have here first. Plus most of the time, I trust people on here more than clist in being honest so I'm not wasting time and money on driving to check a bike out in person
  22. god damnit I knew I used the wrong title after I clicked submit. I don't need this to turn into another debate about what he should start on 600's and 650's is what I'm really after
  23. A friend of a friend has requested my help in finding him a street bike. He wants a sporty bike so no cruisers and something "low miles" The closer to NEO the better but small chance I can get him to travel a bit since I've got my truck and trailer Budget is $3k or maybe up to $3500 lets say less than 15k miles preferably fuel injected Whats the OR crowd have? I'd rather pick up off someone from here than dealing with the wonderful world that is craigslist
  24. Bad324


    again trucks don't tear up roads like you guys are insinuating lol. At least not the trucks I'm aware of that it takes to work on oil and gas wells and pipelines. Leaving them dirty however doesn't shock me depending on who it is doing the work. In 75% of the jobs we do, we are obligated to clean the roads if we track mud and debris on them from our work
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