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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. my body hurts just thinking about it!
  2. also I don't think you understand the meaning of the word troll. None of the accused are trolls, we're just assholes that won't put up with stupid shit
  3. I could be thinking of a different person but I thought 89 Butthurts POS is from the same area as Magz
  4. Coulda called that $5 you owe me even
  5. And Pauly with the burrrrnnnnn! Also, its funny cause its true
  6. Hell no dudes just want someone who doesn't bitch and moan, isn't controlling, is attractive and can have sex with at will. Any dude more complicated than this isn't full man anyhow
  7. Even those can be a pain in the ass because then they think they are better than everyone and don't listen to reason because "they've been fine without you before they met you" stick with the former fatties, they want nothing more than your approval and to tell them they are good looking and aim to please
  8. I bet you can find a nice one if you're patient around $4k. If I was in the market for one thats about as much as I'd pay if it had lower mileage
  9. you're not kidding. I missed out on one of these but thankfully my girlfriend turned out a shade better than that one
  10. or those who dont like it can just stay out of those specific forums? Weird, its like we're only allowed to like motorcycles
  11. I should have demanded a loaner! what the hell was I thinking?
  12. at least its night work and not messing shit up during the day
  13. damn Honda being the worst and making Pauly have to order a special tool to swap out my shock so he's still got it
  14. is it freaking June yet? I need a damn vacation!
  15. McDonald's is probably my 2nd most hated fast food place behind Arby's which is just overpriced shit sandwiches. The only thing McDonald's is good for is the Shamrock Shake
  16. That I'm the 2nd greatest man alive and everyone should bow down to me and do as I say
  17. don't waste your keystrokes, he doesn't listen. Those limey Brits have thick skulls
  18. these 2 comments alone make your noob-ness stand out like a sore thumb. 99.9% of the time none of this shit happens no matter how crazy threads get. So sitting back and dismounting from Magz nuts would be an excellent course of action That said, most of Magz spewing on the board about guns and politics I think is foolish and naive. The Chris Kyle thing absolutely made me wanna punch him in the throat. But at the end of the day its the fucking internet and I just really don't give a shit and most people are wrong in my eyes anyhow. I show no love, but I won't waste time hating unless it amuses me in an ongoing thread so call me indifferent
  19. and its excellent that you realize that and my goal here is not to be my normal asshole self and make fun of someones misfortune. So many people have gone down this year that I think constant reminders are necessary at this point to keep more people from getting hurt! this has 0 to do with what I am talking about however I know what you speak of as I see it almost daily. I was only referring to board members in this instance
  20. Personally I don't think it matters who thinks which route is better. What matters is riders getting as much GOOD advice and lessons from experienced riders. If its from the track teachers or just the guys who are extremely well skilled on the road, any knowledge and education is better than thinking you know what you're doing and being hard headed I happen to have learned pretty much all I k ow from said well experienced street riders. Sure I'm not track fast or even remotely street fast but I sure am a hell of a better rider than before I got the advice and lessons
  21. The crop of "new guys" mostly in Central Ohio that seemingly keep riding over their head thinking of only speed as opposed to smooth riding and thus having mishaps. I don't mind being the dick to point this out if it helps people get some understanding and stop wrecking and putting themselves at greater risk. Nobody here wants bad shit to happen to other board members on rides
  22. Yup hope he's alright, seems that little group has "bad luck"
  23. I've gone 4-5 times now and every single time it has rained on the way and it always made me so very happy I was in the truck making the highway blast and saving my energy for the real fun! To me at least
  24. This thread makes me very happy as the #1 opponent of the board trailer haters
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