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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. shes trying too hard to be jenna haze
  2. thats a good point, I should probably toss a D ring or 2 on their since I'll have 2 bikes on it for the trip down.....hmmm
  3. i know you're joking but with as many noobs joining, it actually might be a VERY good idea
  4. ugh I know that feeling. Mine needs paint baaaad
  5. Bad324

    music help

    depends what you like...
  6. I've seen some decent 5th gen VFRs for about that price
  7. Just wanna point out that we're 4 weeks away. It can't come soon enough!
  8. Yuuuuup place is totally overrated!
  9. If you're going to keep it and you ride it hard enough to really test the stick suspension then an upgrade is worth it. Hell I'm slow and still upgrading mine cause I'm a big guy and outweigh the springs badly I would imagine there are cheaper ways like tpoopa said to upgrade. I won't the cheapish route on my upgrades
  10. its funny because these same meds you say are helping, have been found to be taken by the recent spree gun killers. So seems a bit hypocritical to blame the gun and not the meds too
  11. I meant South as in southeast Ohio for rides
  12. Bienveniods.....plenty of NEO people to ride with. The fun ones always go south though
  13. I've never even looked into it as I've figured it would be boring to me. What does the route look like?
  14. You know what my favorite new OR thing is.... Comparing somebody to Magz is now the ultimate insult. I love this place
  15. Wonder if its the time of year? When we did it, it was early April and still kinda cold. I remember a buggy or 2 but not much horse shit. Then again this was 2 years ago I think
  16. Unless something changes, as of now I don't think I can go
  17. I downloaded all my video and photos on Saturday
  18. at least 12 oh make it 13, I forgot his military degree too
  19. No As usual you decided to only pick out the few words in a post you want to read. I was diagnosed by a doctor. I've taken Adderal before the diagnosis and there was little to no change. I even took it after to once again appease my parents and lo and behold it didn't change shit. When I'm not interested in a class or subject, I pay zero attention and daydream and do poorly. It is not because I have a medical issue, it is because I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT SAID SUBJECT OR TOPIC and don't feel like wasting my time on it when I could be doing better things I don't need a degree to use common sense which I understand is quite difficult for most people to do. In fact the more degrees it seems people have, the less common sense they posses.
  20. I have a GPS before I had a tank bag with map pocket I just taped directions to my tank with painters tape
  21. bingo! I was "diagnosed" with ADHD at 23 (only went to appease my parents) and you know what I did? Laughed directly in the face of the doctor (and later my parents) and said no I just have a short attention span for things I could give two shits about
  22. the last time I went to the dyno day was with Pauly and we took something similar to this: https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Portage+St,+Canton,+OH&daddr=40.65656,-81.50129+to:40.43972,-81.77726+to:40.26145,-82.04542+to:Opm+Companies+Dr,+Columbus,+Franklin,+Ohio+43119&hl=en&geocode=Fa2_bwIdXSIl-ymlewFvcdY2iDEklNuksLqE3g%3BFbBebAIdlmMk-ylJvNC-6N82iDE3eEPRJPj5Ug%3BFagPaQIdlC0g-ykv_O4vog43iDE23DuB8vDKuQ%3BFUpXZgIdFBYc-ym__konyoQ3iDF090x3QzA-Pw%3BFbWdYQIdnAgL-ymt8k0drZA4iDG3m46lEjDAoQ&mra=dpe&mrsp=2&sz=9&via=1,2,3&sll=40.33817,-82.229919&sspn=1.53872,2.419739&ie=UTF8&z=9
  23. Pretty sure she didn't even get a million for it. Then again this is according to the one and only blog I read from time to time. Mainly cause it has high boob content
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