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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. The green couch is free or I'll trade it otherwise it's getting chopped apart and burned! I ordered a ton of new furniture for the new house
  2. what is this political undertone? Again if its what Rush Limbaugh said maybe you should check into the franchise a bit Bane has been apart of the series since 1994 I believe. This script has been in the works since before they finished the first Dark Knight. Therefore the parallel Limbaugh drew means Nolan and the writers would've had to be ridiculously prophetic to give it that meaning
  3. what thermometers did you end up going with? I want to get a remote one when I order the Masterbuilt because I've just been using an old school one which has worked but wouldn't mind going a bit more high tech. I figure with the propane smoker I will probably end up using it far more often Also since you have the Masterbuilt I think i recall it being the 2 door version? How much meat can you actually put in it?
  4. how about some brand new Cabela's sandals? http://cleveland.craigslist.org/clo/3152105748.html
  5. I don't care what people say it really is an art form. I absolutely love it! I've finally convinced myself to bite the bullet and order the propane smoker once I move and practice with it as well so I can do some cuts that require longer burns. I love my charcoal WSM but its such a pain in the ass process and I am teh suck at keeping the temp stable so I'm afraid to leave it alone very long
  6. I swear if he regurgitates the shit that Limbaugh spewed I'm going to consider him a mouthbreather worse than his absolute least favorite liberal ever. I normally give crb far more credit to put together rationale thoughts so there must be more than the Limbaugh thing because I can't believe someone of crb's intelligence could believe that statements and theories like that is what makes the super conservative right so moronic and punch themselves in the own dick when it comes to electing who they want
  7. they should've never taught me the golden rule in pre-school and kindergarten. I don't fuck up his commute so don't fuck up mine. You've now fucked mine up and I will partake in my American right to cast my vote for someone that will sit their ass in the White House and out of my way
  8. damn you are making me impatient wanting to smoke something! you're killing me haha I have to wait until I move until I start smoking again
  9. how large are we talking? I have a size 48 (i think) A* boot and the ankle was pretty big even with the suit tucked in it
  10. its Batman Begins, Dark Knight and the Dark Knight rises. I've seen just about every Batman movie and hands down I think the last 3 are the coolest simply because of the amazing special effects and storylines
  11. ups truck came and got 2 packages...no shirt yet edit: i should go check my mailbox, i havent checked that in 4 days
  12. you know damn well I'm a different story for the most part down in my version of two wheel heaven
  13. IMO its this mindset that helps enable these criminals to pull off acts such as these. Granted not the only one because I also lump the no gun signs as well as the American's public love for sueing people.
  14. I believe if you saw you just didn't see the sign on the door (its happened to me a few times, but never confronted about it) they are supposed to ask you to disarm or leave. If you refuse then that is when it would become an issue and the authorities would be called. I'm not 100% certain and someone will have to correct me if I'm wrong but that would be the decent thing to do in my mind
  15. dear god tell me you are not talking about the Limbaugh shit?
  16. its honestly the having to leave at 6am and 150+ miles of slab I'd have to deal with. This unfortunately isn't the weekend for me to be dealing with either due to all the other shit I have going on Hell I did 350 miles (i think) at Deals Gap but thats way different IMO. One of these days I'll put my road snobbiness aside and hit up SEO and WV
  17. damn thats well over a 400 mile ride for me and far too much time as I must be dumb but I don't see making it back by 3pm at all. I've always wanted to hit up WV but timing just isn't right. Maybe next time...ride safe guys!
  18. you're telling me. There are no less than 7 bridge overpasses on 77 between where I was and where I had to go. There were 2 cops per bridge and that was only half way to where he was going. They shut every single one down when he was schedule to pass through and there are only 2 ways home. To take the back roads and zig zag up over 3 of these or take the freeway. All were shut down, I had no clue he was in town and was livid before I found out it was his fault. and before anyone complains, I don't give a shit if I like the President in office, don't fuck up my commute because I will get angry and not vote for you on those grounds alone
  19. honda hate from mensstarfishcrusher in 3.....2....
  20. I'm with photo trickery. Then again I used to have a photo of me playing basketball that looked like a pretty horrific break of the leg which wasn't. Hell, I've never broken anything more than a finger yet
  21. sounds only half as bad as when Obummer was in CLE a couple weeks back and turned my normal 15 min drive home from my grandpa's house into a 45 min trek
  22. damn you're an early bird too? I need my weekends to catch up on my lack of sleep during the week
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