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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. man I wish I lived that way I would totally be down. We used to have a legit Whiffle Ball league INSIDE our drycleaning store back in high school with the other stores in our strip mall My buddy learned to be a pretty sick pitcher and took a bit to get used to hitting off him but after a lil practice it isn't so bad. Fun as hell! I might go buy a set now for the hell of it and see if I can still throw a wicked slider. That and a cutter were the only pitches I could throw with any accuracy lol
  2. I've been pleased with my Samsung and Sharp. If its just a bedroom tv then also I wouldn't mind a Vizio or LG
  3. have you been to parma since 1998? you're demographic is slightly off these days There is also one in Macedonia though that is completely out of your way on the way home from work
  4. buncha racists up in here! wait for it.....
  5. $250 you have a good amount of perforated leather jackets to choose from. Thats currently my price range I'm looking at for them
  6. 5th is ride to dyno day so come for that stress relief lol. 6th I'm delivering a 6 series to South Carolina so that's out The weather will change 2 more times before Sunday so we shall see
  7. It's rather possible to change it to another weekend if people want. Im out of town almost every weekend until June so I'll have to check my calendar tomorrow
  8. hmm I'll have to ride to work when its warmer and tag along with you guys sometime since you guys aren't that far from my office
  9. we know, we got it the first time. I'd venture to say a lot more people here have also seen it first hand by way of living situation, job or whatever the case may be. Hell, I lived basically in Over-The-Rhine for 4 years and then another 1.5 years on the edge of the hood. Granted to me pretty much the entire city limits of Cincinnati is ghetto (minus my beloved Hyde Park)
  10. GTFO with your long ponytail hair and peace and love hippie rhetoric!
  11. if you can't see it then you're not going to. Unlike my brethren I will not sit here and point out everything you're missing just for you to continue missing it. Mainly because I'm not at work bored but also because its not worth my time to argue about something that won't matter in 3 days anyway I know what stereotyping is. I agree at times with said stereotypes when it comes to certain types but when you lay a blanket statement down in the open you're gonna get ridiculed or seen as racist. I could care less honestly if you're racist, partially racist or love everyone. It isnt going to change my way of thinking nor should anybody expect yours to be changed
  12. no need, the message isn't the same whatsoever
  13. its not about not being sensitive, its about not being a complete and utter racist which as I said completely nullifies anything intelligent you may have said or want to say on the subject in the future
  14. now im going to start a riot because they claim its not a hate crime
  15. I'm surely not offended by it and like I said I got your point, the problem is your point is null and void when it comes off as ignorant and blatantly racist and then its back to square one of "cracka kilt him cuz he iza negro"
  16. dude just stop, you're now being not much better than the 20 that jumped the guy. I get what you're saying to an extent but its going over board
  17. i literally didn't read any of the rest of your post as you took what you quoted out of context. Regardless of what the ruling is, there is no logical reason to riot and loot and now to turn this racist since someone will call it that...you didn't see rich suburban people rioting when OJ got off did you?
  18. also, I really really really hope Zimmerman gets off scott free and these animals show why they should be deported. If you're gonna act and treat my country like its a 3rd world one, we should deport you to a 3rd world country instead of jailing them and housing them on the taxpayers dime
  19. being an egotistical asshole had its major advantages from age 19-26 in that department for me
  20. damn I guess I continue to go unloved
  21. i'd hit it sober....twice. But I'd need a good 30 mins in between for a smoke and sammich
  22. to me racist means you hate them just because they are black, chinese, mexican, jewish or whatever and it goes back to my point that I don't hate people based on color, race or religion and that my hate is based solely upon actions attitudes and behaviors. I have friends that are all kinds of races, colors and religions as well but that doesn't immediately adjudicate you of being a racist IMO. My favorite thing is hearing "im not racist because I have "black/chinese/mexican/eskimo" friend. Always gives me a giggle
  23. and you excellently made my point as well. Everyone is quick to call pull the racist card. Nobody ever wants to look at the behaviors and actions that cause such a belief in the first place. I'm not saying that there aren't racists who legitimately hate people just because of the color of their skin or their ethnicity but that I'm not one of them. MY hate is based on actions, behaviors and attitudes
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