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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Behind Halo, those are basically the only 2 games I've played in the last 2 years. Liked em both a lot
  2. I'm out now, CBR overheats after about 10 mins. Never heard the fans kick on so I think thats the issue
  3. like Randy Moss once said i just need "straight cash homie" but seriously
  4. buy my shit so I can have less stuff to move
  5. buy my shit so I can have less stuff to move
  6. buy my shit so I can have less stuff to move
  7. buy my shit so I have less stuff to move
  8. buy my shit so I can buy and use a bigger trailer to move
  9. I'd say OU getting to the Sweet 16 is a huge win for their program
  10. hmmm I'll have to see if one of the dealers local has Teknic...I've never worn one so not sure what size or how fit would be
  11. for as much as the cbr will see the street if i keep it, I have no problem doing minimum coverage for $67 every 3 months. Its 2012, if you don't do email you better be 85 or not plan on dealing with me much
  12. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    ^^ i think thats why i fit in so well. I can be very nice like mostly everyone here or be a giant asshole like a select few can do so well
  13. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    and unfortunately for Tony sometimes she never goes away
  14. I'm just jaded from Coach Cal's Memphis team that cost me a $2k prize by not fucking fouling Chalmers before he even got the ball!! Its harder to get into UC than OSU and OU and Xavier is for pussies and ugly girls. My sister went the Xavier so thats how I know its true. Shit UC could win the A-10 every year but they play in a real conference where they have to play top 25 teams in which they beat 8 of them this year before the tourney
  15. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    I'm still every bit of an asshole have no fear
  16. agreed! I keep em at 38 cause I'm a big boy
  17. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    tbut...hell no we are friends. Its still hands down the greatest post he ever had in my mind I guess thats the issue with people who aren't regulars, they just don't get the dynamic of awesome that OR is. Of the dozens of forums I've been on in the last 10 years this is seriously my favorite. I'll actually do shit with these people whereas car forums I frequented back in the day I'd go once then not again because everyone was a moronic asshole. And I'm talking legit isn't even fun to be around their momma can't even love em asshole
  18. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    i must say I'm super disappointed holly hasn't been back yet to call me a name for my sweet reply to her hunger
  19. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    ahh makes sense. I forgot I had that one in there which also goes along with my rant lol
  20. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    what is this puppy eye thing you keep saying? I don't follow
  21. originally yes. But its just so much easier the way I buy and sell shit to communicate through email and I hate using the phone. He's a nice guy and did get me the best deal I could find for full coverage on the VFR
  22. i can never turn into him since people like me, plus I'm undoubtedly straight
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