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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    uhhh no speaky ingles! no comprendo
  2. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    yay for a happy ending! and it even came from our resident Asian
  3. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    are we the ones that are hopeless?
  4. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    if you took a poll I'm willing to bet your opinion is the exact opposite of most including myself. When I first joined here I was looking for a bike and knew jack shit. Almost everything I've learned has come from the knowledge and help of this board Sure everyone was hating on the parade ride and route but so what. As soon as you got all butt hurt and acting like an uncivilized heathen is when things went to shit. Big deal its the internet, so what people don't like your event. I've gotten made of fun of for some of my events too and do you think I cared or listened? Noooooope just did what I did and let the funny people say their funny shit and laugh at it
  5. public bathrooms are the worst. I avoid them at all costs if I have to deuce
  6. you know you wanna go again! you can hit the track any weekend
  7. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    please, I have more balls than you'll ever have... ......cause I have 3
  8. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    i have trust issues
  9. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    get off the bike and lean less. its what some asshat told me and works pretty damn well especially with my hefty bike and fear of leaning
  10. I've only done that once!!!!! I swear! and it was actually a small road that runs down the side of the airport parallel to a runway
  11. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    plus IMO anyone that cares about chicken strips is a flaming retard. I probably have rather thick ones on the VFR and I am a shit rider yet have still found myself more competent in the twisties than a lot of people I've encountered
  12. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    well not gonna lie thats exactly the way you are coming off
  13. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    ugh straight line motorcycle racing...i had a feeling thats what it was. Lame
  14. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    i usually am, glad everyone is coming to their senses
  15. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    typing = internet equivalent of speech also im a political moron but I believe "Freedom of Speech" in the constitution includes written or typed words as well
  16. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    get rid of no, I just feel you would better fit there than here. I'm enjoying this as well. It's making my days at work go faster with the endless amounts of entertainment you bring. Your lovely 3rd grade level name calling could use work and feel like you will get even better knowledge here to spread on car forums Since the last couple trolls realized things and left its been a little quiet
  17. i like to hide mine barrel first in the throat of a violent intruder of my home if that case were to ever arise and my life were threatened
  18. ^^true I just pull the Maverick from Top Gun move. Rev the shit out of the bike and say "what?!?! I cant hear you!?" and ride away
  19. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    yes you are definitely a "car guy" and not a "motorcycle guy" in attitude. You would fit in VERY well at Cleveland Racing if you aren't there already also what kind of riding will you be doing to "eat your ass alive"? Would you like to come over and help me build my flying saucer and time machine? They've been sitting in my garage with no time to work on them and with everything you've built I feel like you would be a very good friend to have if you'd like to help for beers in exchange
  20. not sure why everyone is so surprised, these fucking mouthbreathers have been taking over this country for years!
  21. Bad324

    Break out Ride

    and loves straight lines!
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