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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. I've had the same $20 Kenneth Cole wallet since I was 13 from TJ Maxx
  2. Bad324

    Bullying advice.

    am i the only one that thinks that 9 year olds are too stupid to be intimidated by a bunch of sport bikes? or am I missing the point and you're going for the cool factor?
  3. It doesnt come out black, more like dark gunmetal. Here is 2 pics from another forum I'm on
  4. this is about only the first time I ever said this...man I wished I lived in Cbus, I'd be all in
  5. I've not used it personally but know many people who have with great results and love it
  6. Nice pickup! I had no clue you found a street bike so soon
  7. again as 10 people said....PR2's and expect anywhere from 7-10k on them
  8. ohhh so that must have the stupid Opel 3.2 V6 then
  9. I can't watch these because the 2 I've been forced to watch never really make themselves better and because I don't know them I have zero sympathy and people then think I'm heartless I do applaud the ones that do take the time and effort to right the ship and keep it on the right track but then I resort to the whole well why the hell did you let yourself get like this angley
  10. meh if you've worked on 1 GM you've worked on em all
  11. Bad324

    Mad at NRA

    1) holy shit you're alive! 2) I'm mad at Americans for being hypocritical causing everything to be made elsewhere and then getting mad about nobody buying American products
  12. How about we just don't tell her and you can hide it in my garage for the small fee of letting me use it?
  13. Being where I live and having double coverage insurance as well as a security system if they get past that then they get to deal with not only myself but my roommate and on the weekends usually another friend or 2 that all carry. My worry for a break in theft is little what jporter said. There have been no break ins in the neighborhood, if there had been I would have known for sure and he would've probably said something. I'm fairly positive our address wasn't called in specifically plus it wasn't just my truck, there were 2 other neighbors on the street with cars in the driveway I saw them do the same I nearly went down shirtless when my girlfriend yelled at me to put a shirt on so I didn't look like one of the drunken assholes on COPS Had I not seen the cars or uniforms I would have gone down armed but felt it unnecessary to act like a moron and make a calm situation into a tense one. But yes it would make for a much better story. I'm not a cop hater, my grandfather was a Cleveland cop for 40 years and I have a respect for the ones that do it right and are just doing their job. I'm just more curious than anything what the point of what they did was and if it was within their bounds
  14. My confusion came in the fact he stated "loud bass music". The car we came home with doesn't currently have a working radio because I originally thought the same as you but it was a good 30-45mins after we had been home they showed up, which is unlike the department as in other cases they were out immediately. Not to mention, they didn't even start at my place but about 4-5 houses down as thats where the car was parked and I highly doubt it was called on us specifically as only 1 person on our street would do so and they are actually renting their place out to people who party with us. If were too loud all the neighbors have my cell and only twice has anyone ever texted us saying they could hear the music through the walls (townhouse) Like I said, at first that evening I was kind of not happy about it as I wasn't sure what the protocol for that is. I was fine when they were scoping the cars in the street since it was 230am and technically we have a street parking ban from 3-6am. Not really sure why and in the 3 years I've lived here and been parking on the street with my truck or friends cars on the weekend, only 1 ever got a ticket from it. It was once they came on the property and were really giving a good look into the cars when I became slightly agitated. I didn't go out yelling and screaming like an asshole and stated I was curious what was going on cause I saw flashlights and wanted to make sure everything was ok. Cop was real nice about it and I'm betting he is one of the guys that had been out for our neighbors a whole bunch of times. This is exactly my thoughts and why I had my concerns. Especially in our little city they don't have much to do except take radar and respond to noise complaints and I understand that so its usually no big deal. I'm sure they were doing their jobs as well but this time was just different and didn't exactly feel like shining flashlights in various vehicles in driveways was necessary to execute a noise complaint. If music was come from the car, you'd hear it several feet before pressing your nose to the glass with flashlight shining in
  15. yes...I was starting to sober up at that point. I'm also very used to dealing with the Law at that hour and state of mind from college so its pretty normal for me When I first saw the flashlights and someone looking in the cars thats exactly what I thought until I saw the car parked down the street and he turned and I could clearly see the uniform as well
  16. Bad324

    Bullying advice.

    x eleventy billion schools are a lot more like prisons than people realize. Once he defends himself and shows everyone he isn't a pushover a lot of problems will be alleviated. Again this is coming from first hand experience from my childhood. Not to mention if you're historically a good kid defending yourself against a known troublemaker 9 times out of 10 I noticed you got a slap on the wrist punishment wise
  17. yes the title is on purpose I forgot to post this the other night but I was just curious about something. I live in a small pretty sleep suburb where the cops don't really have much to do. Friday night around 2:30am I see what looks like a spotlight/flashlight shining in my bedroom window, its directly above the driveway. I look out and see 2 cop cars, one inside his car with the spotlight the other outside with his flashlight shining in my 2 friends cars parked in the street. I wasn't real pleased about this but figured it was within their rights since the cars were in the street. Then he proceeds into my driveway and starts looking in my truck and my girlfriends car, at this point I was pissed. I was extremely inebriated and my patience level is about -35 in that state At this point I went in to my closet to find a shirt and to go downstairs and open the garage door and see what the issue was. Well I get out there and they are gone. Right when I was walking back into my house I saw the spotlight come around the corner again. This time just 1 car and he got out and then proceeded to look into my neighbor across the street car in his driveway. I calmly walked outside and asked what the issue was and he said "we got a noise complaint of loud music". I feel like he was bullshitting me with that excuse because normally it would be us or the neighbor next door but we had only been home half hour from the bar and everyone passed out immediately upon getting home. My neighbors just had a baby so I know damn well it wasnt them especially since I heard nothing. So after all that long windedness...were they in the wrong coming onto my property and semi searching the vehicles? I was a bit upset about this happening at the time but its not like the cop was being a dick to me or anything so I immediately calmed down and am just outright curious now
  18. Bad324

    Bullying advice.

    I'm sorry but some of these "oh write a letter or complain to the parents" replies are the reasons kids are such pussies and this world is going to shit. Its a great gesture and probably the "right" thing to do nowadays because everyone is passive aggressive but let me tell you it will solve shit for your kid if not make it worse Yes I agree nobody wants their child in trouble or to be violent but there is only so much a kid should take before handling it their damn self. I'm not a parent but I know what its like to be a kid that is picked on all the time and I think I turned out pretty ok handling it the way I did
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