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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. luckily i'll have a larger trailer all 3 bikes should fit in so they can all be loaded the night before. I'll make sure Pauly has his ipod in his hand the entire time so he doesn't lose it 3 times and Likwid is now treating his diabeetus so I won't have to stop 9 times for him to piss If I have it my way, be on the road at 6am and only stop 3 times for gas. If that all happens...we'd get in about 3:30 which leaves plenty of time for the dragon and 28
  2. I want to, but don't know what I'll be able to :/
  3. If all goes as planned this year I will be on the road by 6 or 7am to get in plenty of riding Thursday afternoon. Then again if its anything like when we trailered down last June we won't be there until about 9pm
  4. i also would've choked the living shit out of her but the again thats the risk you run of kicking the car and sitting there in a bad position BITCHES BE CRAZY
  5. +1 Took an unsuspecting carousel like turn a little hot and freaked out and looked at where i was going to die. Quickly heard a voice in my head that sounded strangely like Pauly's saying "look through the turn you dumbass" so I did and never even left my lane. That was the day I learned to look through turns even if I couldn't see where the road actually was due to trees or cliff side or whatever obstruction there was
  6. Here is your chance to ride down to Cbus with your resident Mexican on the day my people famously upset the French Army. I found out I will not be leaving for South Carolina until the 6th so I can make this...weather depending of course I figure a little over a months notice should be plenty. Now lets just hope the weather cooperates. Last year was a bit chilly and wet but still a fun time Meet Time: 9am. Be fueled up and ready to roll at 9:15am so be earlier if you have to Meet Place: the DQ in Bolivar http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.644772,-81.454085&num=1&t=h&z=18 Route: I'm pretty sure this is the route Pauly took us down last year. It should only require one gas stop so hoping to be in Cbus around Noon. Route is also open for revision for whoever volunteers to lead You will all thank me for NOT leading, just ask Likwid http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Portage+St+NW&daddr=40.65656,-81.50129+to:40.44448,-81.76508+to:40.26145,-82.04542+to:Opm+Companies+Dr,+Columbus,+Franklin,+Ohio+43119&hl=en&ll=40.490826,-81.985474&spn=1.430798,2.90863&sll=40.878859,-81.43223&sspn=0.005557,0.011362&geocode=FfrGbwIdAWkl-w%3BFbBebAIdlmMk-ylJvNC-6N82iDE3eEPRJPj5Ug%3BFUAiaQIdKF0g-yljJAmKlg43iDG8TuzJ342RPA%3BFUpXZgIdFBYc-ym__konyoQ3iDF090x3QzA-Pw%3BFbWdYQIdnAgL-ymt8k0drZA4iDG3m46lEjDAoQ&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=17&via=1,2,3&t=m&z=9
  7. buncha socialists up in here. If I win all that money is mine and I will blow exactly half of it on shit I've always wanted
  8. oh hey captain buzzkill, nice to see you again even if i half agree I don't think anyone really thinks its a better chance of winning. Its just that you can justify $20 to multiply by one million a lot easier than the smaller amounts. At least its that way to me as I won't usually waste the money but on large jackpots why the hell not The difference between 20mil and 200mil is getting everything I want vs getting most of what I want
  9. ahhh the Irish, the only ethnic group to migrate to the US in the 1800's lower on the totem pole than us Wops on that note I have a friend that was considering doing the same but backed out for some reason or another
  10. all this as everyone else has said Since I have sportbikes I use a canyon dancer and well last year I discovered how easy it is to bend a god damn Heli-Bar with a ratchet strap
  11. i rarely ever play but this week I'm going in with a couple friends
  12. Bad324


    i just bought the wash soap, interested to see how that does. I haven't used any turtle wax products in nearly 10 years as I was disappointed by the results back then
  13. i forgot this thread existed
  14. thats actually a fantastic idea, I think I just may. God knows oil prices won't be going down anytime soon
  15. i hope the weather cooperates with us and people from NEO end up going again because I just found out I don't have to leave for SC until the 6th I'm now excited once again! I don't think I had my PCIII on last year with the VFRdiscussion tune special so I'm interested to see what my difference is
  16. ^^^damn me for being proactive and doing my oil change last week. Thats a damn good deal for the Castrol
  17. Bad324


    not like the commercials. Its ok stuff but I thought it sucked to use if you're not using a buffer. I tried it on my first LBTS car that had some dulling paint and it was just ok, never bought it again after that and gave it away to a friend
  18. Bad324


    all the chain auto stores used to carry it but I can only find it at a specialty auto place up here and they rarely have it in stock. Been ordering it off Amazon the last 3 years. Been hands down my favorite OTC wax I've used. Cheap, Easiest hand application and a great deep wet look
  19. Oh I heart you...no homo My gf will not be pleased I'll be spending all my free time getting it back together this week lol
  20. I think its absolutely possible. I pretend not to believe because aliens freak me out nearly as much as clowns
  21. relay should be here by then, I'm just hoping the issue isn't deeper than that. Later in the day works fine for me for a ride like this, especially since my gf goes back home mid afternoon Sundays. I just suggested earlier in case anyone wanted a longer tour of the Valley
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