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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Hey now. Don't you bring shame to that term. It's a term of endearment
  2. sometimes I wonder if you're really Asian at all. At no point was I ever coming for this I just inject myself because I'm an asshole and will defend trailers to the death!
  3. if you consider 3 hours on 71 and whatever shit highway that is down to hocking from there right down there...you crazy
  4. ^^thats exactly why I trailered to Logan the first time the Epic Ride was there. I don't give a shit what people wanna say. My happiness is way more important than what some masochist assholes think. ill be there in spirit on a trailer bitches
  5. I thank you all for the offers but if I was comfortable enough to ride a bike that wasn't mine I'd show up on whatever Ducati Pauly wasn't on
  6. Bad324


    Due to unfortunate circumstances the only chance I get is to put my Helmet on while piping motorcycle noises through my Sena and sitting on my pool table pretending it'll bippity boppity turn into a motorcycle
  7. Poor Derek. You guys are a terrible influence. Those lights were ?
  8. Well what a stroke of luck. I may actually have free time for myself when that happens too!
  9. My buddy who is a CPA that did my taxes this year is handling it for me. If it becomes a bigger problem I'll use one of the many lawyers who kicked ass for us with the whole shutting down the family business bullshit. It was my mistake letting my wife take the stuff to H&R Block because she was too impatient to wait for my buddy to do them. 2014 was a crazy year and the first I didn't do myself. Job #1 which we didn't get W2s for (said family biz that closed) unemployment for 4 months, job #2 and got married all in the same tax year
  10. I'm so glad someone trying to find funds to get a bike for me has now entered 3 threads. We keep this going and someone might actually find $ to gift me for a bike the fucking IRS is enemy number 1 of why any purchase that isn't a nessecity is on the back burner. Fuckin crooks trying to say I owe $5k in taxes in a year where I was on unemployment for 4 months in which I didn't even get close to $5k
  11. I'm serious about my favorite grandpa buying me a bike though!
  12. If I win I calling dibs on an RD bike
  13. I see our league just picked up a Sponsor for winners swag
  14. if you can wait 12 days, I can tell you about the new super secret skin coming out for the Surface.
  15. Chris just posted a link to a fantastic SV for the low low price of $2k. Do what Tonik says and make this happen people!!!
  16. THANK YOU! So many people just have no idea of this concept. Also, someone buy me the SV or find out if they will take a pool table for it
  17. you just went full Magdor. NEVER GO FULL MAGDOR So I will retort with my anti magdor answer: Survival of the fittest
  18. I have a fix for this: Quit giving them shit and teach them how to earn it. Sucks their parents can't/won't do that but it doesn't mean the enabling should continue https://imgflip.com/readImage?iid=8994178
  19. Not sure if neg rep or pos rep is neccessary for that realization
  20. Craigslist is a numbers game. Throw out offers I like to enough people and maybe one of them will stick
  21. If you're going to list on Craigslist, you should expect this as the norm. People who get offended by low ball offers crack me up. I just ignore them. Or if I'm bored, I'll ask them for the logic behind their offer and mess with them a bit. But more than not I just don't answer and I don't get offended
  22. Anyone ever had a lease and transferred to someone else or picked up the balance of one? Debating if I want to even bother looking in to it to try and get out of ours on my wifes Terrain to get something a little bigger and a bunch cheaper
  23. House of Cards and Scandal tell you everything you need to know about this "election"
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