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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Find me one that fits my needs for $1k and I can again
  2. Took them off and sold them after I stopped riding at night. They were red and looked glorious
  3. buncha haters. If you ride at night those are must
  4. oh good you just helped me take one step back from the ledge of trying this out. Also, holy shit you can't call pokemon players nerds if you're on an android phone forum.
  5. well i've leveled off. Did they ever fix the issue with all the permissions it needs and how much of a data hog is it? I'm cheap
  6. I'm losing my internal struggle of not being a trendy asshole. Debating giving it a try to see what it's all about
  7. I thought about road rage but knowing the city I was in it was more fun to report it to the proper authorities as an impaired driver operating erratically and possibly on drugs. They likely spent an hour on the side of the road while being searched
  8. well I had my first run in with an asshole driving and playing pokemon go. Going 20mph in a 50mph zone in front of me is not acceptable
  9. Dude has more cool toys than he knows what to do with
  10. I'm not buying any bike that is more than $1k and since the only bikes I like don't come at that price point I'm not buying anything
  11. Bad324

    Who's Going?

    you should be fine. If they fuck with 77, which I doubt, just take Broadway
  12. A friend of an acquaintance of mine is selling his.
  13. Bad324

    Who's Going?

    Cause that's when all of the protesters that don't have jobs wake up from their drug induced nightly coma's?
  14. Bad324


    Kent State was my favorite protest
  15. Bad324


    Yup same here. Pain in the ass. The last one that made the mistake of calling me got an ear full of my previous experience which is why I won't do business with them
  16. Bad324


    I switched to State Farm back when I didn't need auto insurance (work truck and insurance through work) and after 3 days they dropped me because they wouldn't cover just a motorcycle without any other coverage
  17. Bad324

    Who's Going?

    This was previously obvious but just another reason CLE > CBUS
  18. I'm glad I work where I do. But I'm also pretty good at my job so I can be on my phone pretty much whenever as long as I'm out performing everyone as I do
  19. If you're not for the coup then you must be a Hillary voter Erdo-GONE!!!!!
  20. Bad324

    Who's Going?

    It is the northern most point of Royalty so that's just natural
  21. Bad324

    Who's Going?

    I've done it so many times it's not even worth it at this point. It's also not fair. It's like I'm Babe Ruth and they are some A-ball pitcher just serving up meatballs for me to crush. Some people just prefer to live in ignorance so let em. I don't need that kinda negativity in my city
  22. ok this is my last off topic post. I should have while the title was still in my name and my plates were on it. Can't steal your own property can you? Jon is way too nice to do that to though and I don't totally hate you.....yet
  23. I have to make sure they are a worthy owner otherwise I will repossess it
  24. 1) only in areas where I don't have as much knowledge. 2) no, since we couldn't move before the girls came we won't be moving for awhile not on the tender at all? That's my girl The neighbors across the street and the guy next door already torture me and they don't even have bikes I like. So bring it on so long as I keep tabs who's hands my bike ends up in
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