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Everything posted by jj1

  1. LOL... thats funny(and why we left)... I just got home from one of the rides... we went through the New Albany/Westerville area around Red Bank Road/ Hoover Dam....
  2. that could be a busy day 2mor, bike fest, bratwurst fest, then Summer slam, sounds like a fun/full day 2 me
  3. jj1

    2005 zx-10r $5500

    that is the one reason I wish I woulda held out for an '07... dual exhaust.... hoping maybe to find aftermarket
  4. jj1

    Anybody else?

    nah just share w/ the rest of us next time
  5. jj1

    Anybody else?

    u suck:bigfinger:
  6. yeah that what I was thinking... just nice to know... I like to finish a ride
  7. how long is this ride? what time does it end? I only ask because i would love to do it but have to be at work by 530 on sundays
  8. jj1

    Anybody else?

    Ur all lucky.... 9a-5:30p then 6:30p-4a(if i'm lucky)......
  9. jj1

    What do you do?

    Inventory Systems Manager....aka another computer geek.... and Part time Bartender.... Id love a career as a man whore.... but i just dont have deuce bigalos skill set :sad:
  10. I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, I want my baby back, baby back, baby back...Chilliiiiiii's baby baaack riiibbs....Chili's baby back ribs barbecue sauce".
  11. oh yes... and it will be so much fun when/if its wet tonight.......
  12. jj1

    2005 zx-10r $5500

    :eek:damn... and only days after i buy a gsxr.....
  13. http://www.buffalowingsandrings.com/restaurant-oh-columbus-1.html
  14. prob an issue.... being illegal in most areas except... there is only like 14 states where bestiality is legal.....
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Keller http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2085413/helen_keller_dance_launches_vans_warped.html
  16. Find one and post it in NWS 4 our viewing enjoyment
  17. meet the parents.... Greg: I milked a cat once. You wanna hear a story?Jack: Sure.Greg: My sister had a cat, and the cat birthed a litter of kittens. Must've been 30 of them. And there was this one little runt... this little sweet little... little-engine-that-could runt... who wanted to get up there and couldn't really get access to the — to the — to the — to the — to the teat.Jack: Teat?Pam: Dad.Greg: What have you. I went in and just simply, you know, just... into a little saucer, then took the saucer and fed it to Geppetto — that's what I named him.Dina: I had — I had no idea you could milk a cat.Greg: Oh, yeah, you can milk anything with nipples.Jack: I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?
  18. Bump! Any one else have an interest in hitting the Columbus bike fest then checking this out?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by PrincessPratt any pics of cute little pussies make me happy! :grin:
  20. well um there is this Chinese Food across from me at work...... J/K!!!!!
  21. Just something to remember about that bar....... There is a Strip club in the Lot in front of it.... ie... where do you think the girls go when the get done dancing(with what ever "baller" the pick up while dancing)? Id go just to see how many of the girls (*cough*busahauty*cough*) that work there prob just couldnt get a job at the strip club. ..but... um yeah Ill be at work at a much better Bar.....
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