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Posts posted by palandor

  1. Wuut? I thought this was a sight seeing laid back ride, how did crashes happen on this one? The gods must be angry lately.

    It was a fast ride. The accidents happened near the front of the pack, I think. I had to work to keep up (cruiser + low curve/turn skills), but it was a great experience and definitely great meeting those of you I got to chat with.

    To the person with the white cruiser, thanks for the company at the back! ;-)


  2. There's a Phillips Gravel company near me that has scales. It's $15.

    I"m not sure where you bought your trailer from, but my story is that I got mine from Harbor Freight. Long story short, They sent me a bill of sale with the shipping weight and the VIN, and I used the Bill of Sale plus the Certificate of Origin (which didn't have shipping weight on it) to get my plates.

  3. Doh. Me too...


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  4. I've heard of occasions where the throwers try that and screw it up on purpose, not that they admit it to the ref or anyone else who counts. Takes out the opposing team's member sometimes, or at least intimidates them. Hardball....

  5. Wayne is a National Forest, Perry is State. Perry requires a pass if you're not plated, but if you have a plate it's free. Wayne still requires a pass + ORV sticker (waived if you're plated), so it's $12 a day for Wayne, free at Perry if you're street legal, or if you're not then you have to get the ORV sticker and pay the pass too.

    Thanks for spelling it out for me. I truly appreciate it (my name is noob sometimes). Now I understand why some folks go to Perry (state riding is free for plated bikes) and some go to Wayne (daily cost for plated bikes in national forest area but more trails).



  6. :lol: The problem doesn't sound like the pizza, the problem here sounds like your digestive system.

    :-) I'd think so too if there were more than just two food items I know of that have that effect.

    Spicy foods don't cause that. I love Thai, Indian, and other spicy and foreign foods, not to mention homemade spicy chili.

  7. The marathon at 35 & orchard lane is the one I meant.

    No overwhelming response to this post, so I'm gonna grab the DS instead of the cruiser and take it out for a bit. I need to break in some boots.

  8. I never could understand what everyone was complaining about. I've always had Dominos on the top of my pizza list.

    There's something in Domino's pizza that used to give me an upset stomach, so I stopped eating their 'food'.

  9. ummm... anyone else think that the mom might be full of it? He was a child who encouraged other children to get off the lawn? what???? what kind of child does that.

    Wierd kids, kids with control issues, kids with wierd parents.

    I still remember riding my bicycle from my gma's house to my mom's place and along the way one day were these kids that were raking leaves to the street. They blocked the sidewalk and had me ride around in the street and said something about their mom not liking people riding in her grass and leaves.

  10. My old CBR was carb'd with an accelerator pump. I hated it when idiot friends would jump on and start twisting the throttle which always inevitably led to it being flooded.

    I had an acquaintance (he was too creepy-scary to be called a friend) who was P.O'd due to me twisting the throttle on his Honda XR650L. At the time, I didn't know any better about bikes and he wasn't a patient person so no explanation was offered of why.

    Thanks Y'all. I've now learned about accelerator pumps. When starting my dual sport (xt225) I've never noticed that it helped if I twisted the throttle before starting it and never thought it should matter either.


  11. So far I've heard the same answer to my question, but I don't agree with the answer and I don't understand the mechanical -why- of it, so I either have a misconception or am missing some vital piece of info about how carbs work. I have been told to fully twist the throttle and let it return to resting position before I push the e-start button on a hard-to-start bike. Others have told me not to twist the throttle if I'm "playing" on their bike while it is off because it would give the bike too much fuel and make it harder to start.

    This doesn't make sense to me based on what I understand of carbs and throttle interaction. I know there are different types of carbs and fuel feeds (gravity feed where fuel flows unless the fuel petcock is turned to "off" and suction feed where fuel flows only when there is a suction force making the fuel move into the carb). My understanding of carbs is that when you twist the throttle, it moves the carb plunger (for sliding carbs) up, which changes the venturi so that fuel is sucked from the float bowl from differently sized holes (aka thru the main jet, pilot jet, or needle jet). Given that, it shouldn't matter if I twist the throttle with a suction feed setup since no fuel should flow due to lack of suction. It also shouldn't matter if I twist the throttle on a gravity feed since fuel will always be going to the float bowl and the limiting factor of floats & the fuel inlet valve needle (the thing that changes level based on the float position) shouldn't let more fuel in than will fit in the bowl, plus there is still no venturi to suck fuel up from the float bowl.

    So where am I misunderstanding how carbs work? Or, what am I missing that explains why twisting the throttle of a bike that is off will cause fuel to go into the engine section and flood the engine?



  12. Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous two-year period.

    License Status as of 04/10/2010: VALID






    OFF. DATE: 04/07/2008 CONV. DATE: 04/15/2008 POINTS: 00



    What this doesn't show is that I got let off for speeding, no proof of insurance, and illegal window tint with this stop too.

    Wtf, did you cry and wet your pants to get out of that??? Lucky you!

    I've never gotten out of anything involving a cop.

  13. I had a Harly rider tell me a couple days ago that he cant breath in a full face!? :rolleyes:

    I had to try really hard not to laugh. Is that stupid line in the Harly riders handbook or something?

    That's pretty stupid, unless she/he meant it figuratively... (claustrophobia?)

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