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Posts posted by palandor

  1. Hey y'all,

    just wondering if anyone is riding today (2009-08-02) at the marathon in beavercreek. I'm gonna pop out there about 10:45a and if no one is out there, probably go for a backroads "whatever" ride. Looks like the weather is going to be cloudy with no rain for the area at 72f.


  2. I miss my dual sport. Had a Suzuki dr350se for about 2 years but mostly used it for commuting to/from work and the occasional riding on land I shouldn't. Never had much chance to go ride with people that knew what they were doing. (I think it was generally too big for me anywho, next time I'm gonna look at a 250.)

    Have fun y'all.

  3. nothin wrong with that! I rarley go that fast. I cant afford to loose my licenses. most of the time i find some nice twisties, do the speed limit and just have a good time.

    That's what I like too, plus the "country" scenery. I'll do the speed limit or 5 over usually, unless I'm still far slower than everyone else on the highway.

  4. LOL! it's a nice little road. let me know when you want to go, and I'll show you the back way.

    Sounds good, thanks. I haven't been out for a non-commute ride for a couple of weeks. Usually I head south from Beavercreek toward Caesar's creek or east to Xenia and then south, so I miss a lot of East/NorthEast fun.

  5. Thanks for all the welcomes! Today is a riding day for me, just like every weekday I work. (I ride rain or shine above 38f unless it's super stormy or I have to carry something larger than roll/saddle bags.)

    I'm looking forward to meeting folks; seems like there's a lot of great variety of fun personalities (and a shitload of humor on here too).


  6. I just joined, and looked over a bunch of posts, but I haven't figured out if y'all always have a thursday or sunday ride planned, or if it's only when someone posts something about it?

    Anywho, I'm up for something in the evening this week, and sunday if we're done by 1:30-ish. :-) I'm not new to solo riding, but am definitely new to group riding so I might have a little to learn.


  7. Hey y'all,

    Been riding a bit over 3 years and enjoying almost all of it. Mostly I commute on my motorcycle, but I also like to go for fun rides too. I joined looking for area group rides and from what I can tell, sounds like I'll find 'em.



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