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Everything posted by OhioMarine

  1. OhioMarine

    No caption

    From the album: Uh-Oh

  2. OhioMarine


    Iv been away for a while. Heres the news. There always comes the time. But before you judge, I was being very safe. Light sunday afternoon ride with two very superior officers. Just no telling what other traffic will do.. :/
  3. Did anyone else notice how ridiculously huge the aftermath is on the satellite picture?
  4. Those are awesome, thanks for posting!
  5. As long as people know what they are getting into before they officially decide thats what they want.. Rather than suggesting it, and your family deciding for themselves thats what you truely wanted... Not saying I'd go to the showing. I dont like them in the first place.
  6. OhioMarine

    Ride? 5 May

    I have a couple of friends that just got back. They said it was awesome, and the weather was amazing! Which says alot seeing how we live in Southern California. haha Just be careful if your looking to do anything on the extreme side. I.E.- scuba dive, they dont have the precautions we do in America.
  7. Im sad to see that with all the positive remarks your still not rethinking.. downer.
  8. Motorola Droid is by far the best thing out there. I absolutely love mine.. HTC.. well, its alright..
  9. Ill do my best to bring some of my buddies. Swing by the booth, and check out the show.
  10. They got quite a kick out of the ID!! Off-topic im sorry. but the meet and greet tonight, the place in canal??
  11. Im going to do my best! Few things to take care of in the PM. Should have some time for wings.
  12. We sure hope so buddy. Time heals all.
  13. Anyone wanna hold on to one for me?!?! Miliatry mail sucks beyond belief! I mailed out for my sticker 2 weeks ago, I just got my letter back friday.. No reason why though! But if you got it, Id like it! Danke!
  14. Best of luck. I somehow always come across random stuff like that. Ill keep it in mind.
  15. Naw man, keeps his thread at the top. Plus, that means he's got you showing him how it works. Im still learning shit about the site. haha
  16. Welcome! I may be able to get ahold of an old brit bike with the parts. Turn it into whatever you want. Would definitely be a project though.
  17. your thought processes went much furthers than mine on the subject! I place the blame on the jager bombs. haha But very good idea!
  18. That is a very nice hopital, they did surgery on my mothers pug. Poor girl got torn up by my sisters 2 much larger dogs. She well and frisky as ever. Best wishes for you and the pup. Hate to know your down! Keep us posted.
  19. I think your best bet would be the idea of taking a small hit selling the card. Either way its free money. Or maybe youll luck out and find the guy selling the bike thats really looking for those new earrings!! haha
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