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Posts posted by Zach

  1. I've dropped the price already on craigslist(cheap bastards), $400 and a case of beer and (maybe, depends on the beer) you've got a deal.

    It's a shoe-in winner already man, I can't just give it away!

    I'll think about it. May do a deal on somethin' else.

    Question: If you buy a bike for $400 but sell $200 worth of parts off of it, does that give you $300 to spend on the modification. Basically as long as the Net expense is still $500, is it ok?

  2. It's hard to say that the great lakes beer is better than the sam adams one as they're completely different styles of beer. You may have a personal preference to one or the other, but they can't really be judged head-to-head.

    Barley's in columbus also makes a VERY good xmas ale. Much harder to come by than even the great lakes as they don't bottle it.

  3. That's a strange way to look at it. With the budgets like they are, just because it doesn't add cost to a bottom line -- it's ok to get less productivity? And that's not counted as being wasteful? And of all the areas to waste money... wasting money on the side of LESS education is really the direction you'd wanna go?

    While I fully agree that it is time that you never get back to educate the booger factories, it doesn't justify paying for these teachers to return on scheduled days off.

    Not to mention the effect on morale this will have. Teachers put up with some real bullshit and having a few surprise days off during the winter can go a long way.

  4. Yea, our 3C money went to Cali.

    There are other states that mandate 180 days, period. That's just the start, I don't have a lot to bitch about yet because he hasn't done anything significant yet. This is the the start of the downhill trend.

    Education -- is pretty important, and it's not like our tax dollars aren't paying for those teachers, admins, etc. to be there on those days - they get paid regardless... I wish I got additional paid vacation at the taxpayers expense. So, does Kasich have a good reason to go to five days, other than "the weather is bad" and "my daughter would like 2 more days off school"? Really?

    So let me see if I understand your stance; you give 'em snow days during the winter and then make up for them later in the year, right?

    With that mentality, the teachers will get paid for the snow days and then get paid for the extra days at the end of the year. Costing, wait for it....

    MORE money.

  5. So, genius... Is racing motorcycles on a closed course more dangerous than riding on the street? Do you really want to go there?

    Did you play ANY sports? Get back to me.

    I'm hoping you are just being silly and not serious...

    I'd say it's a perfect example of us all having our own accepted level of risk.

  6. Now, before you go and tell me that a guy in a car can do the same thing - agreed. However, you can do something to avoid a higher risk of possibility by choosing not to do something. Like 1000 stated - you can stick your dick in a blender, but you choose not to. If I had no other choice, fine...

    This coming from a guy who races motorcycles, yes?

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