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Posts posted by Zach

  1. still up in the air about the XR650L. I looked around and the posibilities are endless. However, do I want to drop 2200 (wheels hubs brakes relocation brackets new fuel tank and seat) in converting a bike I want to sell for 3K already?

    you can get the wheels,rotors, and relocation bracket for about $750 from warp 9

  2. All I'm sayin is that if the rear chain breaks your gonna be fucked. Looks like no chain guard for the side of your legs.

    The only thing a chain guard does on a sportbike is keep water and oil from splattering everywhere. Those plastic (and even aluminum aftermarket ones) won't do shit to stop a chain.

  3. You do realize that all the added weight isn't on the front of the bike, yes?

    And that the front wheel only gets power when it skids or the rear spins, right?

    YOU said the bike wasn't agile and I gave you a specific example where this bike excelled in an agility contest. Quit trying to use different examples to disprove my point.

    I didn't say enduros were all vertical, I said that the bikes were not going fast while TURNING therefore negating the gyroscopic effect. Yes, you will feel the extra weight when tossing the bike side to side, I never said otherwise, but you seem only capable of seeing the negatives of this bike and I really can't understand your vehement responses.

    Or are Christini and your precious KTM no longer friends?

  4. Endurocross is night and day vs MX/SX. Point is that the SX bikes need to be VERY agile while in endurocross, the ability to get through really tough obstacles makes this work. Better at times, I guess...

    Who said this was for motocross? It clearly isn't.

    It's meant for woods and enduro challenges. It also has an off switch so you can choose when it's helping you.

  5. Pretty old technology and the technology was even tried at racing. Heavy and the handling is very awkward from what has been mentioned.

    Try scrubbing a jump with that thing, by the way...

    They placed second in endurocross this year, guess that means something.

    As a engineering guy; does anyone have a schematic on this... I want to see how they are going to make this work?

    Are they going to run shaft drive inside the frame to the neck then down to the wheel beside the forks?

    Would you really want a AWD bike? Again its a bike.


  6. I am not sure I am even following? the article reverted back to DNA strans? What is this exactly? How could you run it on PS3 and Xbox? Something you download?
    i dont get it....whats the point? and what was someone talking about with points and stuff?

    It's a program that runs in the background of your computer. It only uses the resources that you're not utilizing. Basically it utilizes what would end up as wasted electricity.

    What is it doing? It's acting as a very small portion of a huge network of computers. This is known as "cloud" computing and allows the group running the program to do huge calculations and processing that would normally necessitate supercomputers.

  7. hey jstump, just a little advice...

    Wait until after your MSF to commute on the highways. Commuting is the most dangerous aspect of motorcycling because you're out on the roads when everyone else is just droning along trying to get to work or home- they are NOT paying attention.

    You need some experience on two wheels before you'll be really equipped to deal with these people. You need to be on top of your game on the highway- watching your mirrors, watching ahead of you, watching for people coming from all sides- It's a LOT to deal with and is a challenge for even experienced riders.

  8. the 1190 as a race bike was selling for 45K so hopefully much lower. I just want the bodywork conversion, hopefully they give out some details at the dealer show this weekend.


    EBR has scheduled a production run of 100 1190RSs, with exact pricing to be determined shortly. Be assured that the standard 1190RS won’t be any less expensive than was a Ducati 1098R, and the Carbon Edition will be more expensive yet.
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