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Posts posted by Zach

  1. The fit of the pin in the hole will change the shear strength.

    The strongest is a press fit or interference fit.

    A loose fit will dump all the force in a smaller area on the pin.

    Formed rivets are good if the formed head is within the min/max height and/or width when finished.

    A good clip link will still require a press fit. A properly fit clip master link will run a while even if the clip has fallen off.

  2. Too bad they don't include how much it cost to run a checkpoint. I'd like to see if it was worth it.

    Would you pay $20/drunk to get them off the road? I'd say that's probably effective use of taxpayer money, but if it's $2000/drunk... then it starts getting gray.

    It's easy to put a number on it when it doesn't hit close to home. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would pay much more than that to get a loved one back.

    I think checkpoints are great, in fact I'd say we get a better bang for our buck with them. An officer can check a much larger number of people much quicker than driving around all night looking for someone swerving.

    I've been through a couple checks and they don't bother me a bit. Is your paperwork in order? Have nothing to hide? Sober? You barely even have to stop.

  3. With o-ring chains, 99% of the game is just keeping it clean. the o-rings are what keep the chain from binding up by holding grease inside the rollers. The other 1% is keeping the side plates lubricated.

    The reason Nick has such good success with WD-40 is because he uses more like a cleaner than a lubricant. You don't want to douse your chain in WD because it WILL penetrate the o-ring seal and remove the grease inside.

  4. DUI counts on private property in Ohio, btw, even on a lawn mower. Fuck any LE that would hand out that violation if no other harm were being done, but it's the law.

    you probably wouldn't mind that law so much if you had a crazy drunk uncle chasin your ass with a skid steer.

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