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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. oh8sti


    Sold lock it up
  2. oh8sti

    S&W Shield

    I'm going to get one
  3. oh8sti


    I actually already got a 1911. So just lookin for straight cash. I'm using this money to buy an Osprey suppressor for my Sig Scorpion
  4. They will charge him, in hopes that a long boring trial will simmer the race baiters. Then in 2 years he will be aquitted silently. Kind of what I thought would happen.
  5. oh8sti


    Price changed to $515 for CR buyers. New, no paperwork or waiting in a 1000 person line at vances!
  6. super nice guy. Has a great collection.
  7. look like new york tags
  8. oh8sti


    i really want a Sig tac ops TB 1911 so someone buy this
  9. This just keeps getting better and better. Next, the Zimmerman family will sue the pants off every major news outlet. I hope the New Black Panthers get abolished. There is no need for people like that, no matter the race. I hope Jessie j and sharton follow them too.
  10. Either way I hope it's over soon. A large part of my wants everyone to be wrong and look so fucking dumb, but another part just wants the facts/justice to prevail.
  11. oh8sti


    Only round that's been put through it is the one from the factory. I can post a serial # if need be.
  12. Shoot every single one of them
  13. oh8sti


    the wet kit will give you tickets and higher insurance rates. So, its cheaper to do this!!
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