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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. oh8sti


    Wait, you had 2 skis?
  2. Well, I was more comfortable with the way this fit in my hand. It fits the length of my palm perfectly unlike many other compacts. That and the fact that I know the set up/breakdown since I have an m&p. I paid the extra for peace of mind as well since its my main carry now. No price tag can be put on that IMO.
  3. It will change your life. So much more free time on your hands for all sorts of activities!
  4. I'll probably just let them fly off. I just don't wanna get stung!
  5. The safety is in a good location for switching it off with your thumb when you unholster it. The springs are stiff, I think that's why they need broken in.
  6. Yeah dude you need a zero turn so bad. Your property is big enough and will take half the time. I'm sure if you turbo the john Deere it will cut as fast as a zero turn tho.
  7. This is gonna sound super creepy, but I drove past your place today on my way to Polaris and saw you mowing your lawn. I've always loved your house/ front porch. Wish this didn't sound creepy, but it will. Sorry Dave.
  8. The length of the trigger isn't bad actually on this. It's shorter than my fullsized M&P it seems. The biggest difference I could tell was how the trigger resets and how consistent it was.
  9. We should get our guns together and let um play.
  10. No no I'm fine with them, I just figured someone would want them to use for honey.
  11. There are now 2 hives. One near the ground in a plum tree. The other is up in a tree. Who can come get these?
  12. I'm down just let me know and we'll shoot
  13. I'm very impressed with it, mainly the trigger is what makes the gun great
  14. It's very thin, which I love and the gap is the same on my fullsized 9. Yes it's deff my new carry piece.
  15. I daily carry a Kimber Ultra Carry II w/Crimson Trace and love it, but its almost too nice to carry for me. I wanted a gun I can shoot, scuff and beat the shit out of and not care. I was afraid of that with a $1,000+ gun. This gun fits my needs very well and also feels great in my hands. Onto the review... Fit and finish is great. It feels solid and tight. The mags need to be broken in, but over all they are great. I bought 100rnds of blazer ammo to put through it and a pack of Hornady Zombie Max. Not one hiccup and shoots shit and good stuff the same. It seems very accurate, hits the places I was aiming. (i don't claim to be an amazing shot). I definitely like the extended mag for my hands. The trigger feels amazing. I have an M&P full-sized and have noticed the reset seems to be inconsistent, but with the Shield it feels very crisp and consistent. I imagine S&W will adopt this trigger into their existing line. Overall I give this a 9.5/10 with the only gripe being its over $400. Pics.... http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/816302a6.jpg?t=1334699178 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/8854754b.jpg?t=1334704393 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/350a6215.jpg?t=1334703256 Extended Mag http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/9b98155f.jpg?t=1334703245 Regular Mag http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/e8fa8a9d.jpg?t=1334703252
  16. oh8sti

    S&W Shield

    Picking mine up right now. Vance's has one left so I snatched it up. Review to follow once I put some rounds through it.
  17. Im not dogging on IPS, but you guys (IPS) shouldn't post in this thread. Act like it never happened until the car is done and let it do the talking. By addressing this issue you have stoked the flame. I won't quote your comment because if i were you id take it down.
  18. this hive is about 3/4 what the other one was.
  19. they are about 30ft away in another tree
  20. I have a new in box down pipe for a 94-97 Ford F series 7.3l Turbo Diesel trucks. I think they are $250+ new. Its sitting over at Pick Ups Plus in Lewis Center. You can pick it up there or I can meet you somewhere. Asking $150 OBO Lets be honest just shoot me an offer. http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/a98de6a2.jpg?t=1334608728
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