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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. nothing special. Its an srt. big woop. AWD ftw
  2. I get most of what i know from movies. Hollywood is always 100% accurate Let me ride the duc tonight and i will let you nibble on a toe or two.
  3. i like that kinda stuff, looks like the 20 i have all over my dick.
  4. its more of a "dont go within 1000 feet of schools or skate rinks" type thing for me,
  5. call me, i'll ride on the back, i aint got none cars. But seriously, im game for something tonight, it'll have to be later unless you feel like picking me up, which i know you dont wanna do. I guess i will text you when i have a car!
  6. tell cory to finish my motor today or i'll roundhouse his ass.
  7. oh8sti


    dont even see Mr.x anywhere on the member list. I smell bullshit. LOL
  8. Welcome my dude, looks like it has some potential to blow my sti's mirrors off. Touche'
  9. oh8sti

    New Guy

    what are you doing?
  10. that Grand is absolute tits. Plus rep for you my dude.
  11. why do you have fast an furious quotes in your sig? Do you race?
  12. i hope not, cause its gonna come out of my paycheck.
  13. lets see how many people can post the video of the chick shakin the stick dealio. Lets just see. I bet we get 3 more.
  14. Let's see how many reposts we can throw into one thread
  15. found this to tickle my trombone if you know what i mean...
  16. it has 24,000,000+ views.
  17. lol so you want me to masturbate in your eye, then proceed to shit in my hand and smush it against a wall?
  18. lol i love the way my carpal tunnel feels when i cum. i usually cut open and touch it to my creation.
  19. 614-582-7301.......call me, i dont understand what all that means, its sounds important and well thought out. Better yet, im on my way over, your at the shop right? lol gotcha!
  20. you guys in the military get tickets?!! Thats wrong man, youd think they let you off. Fuck the police.
  21. oh8sti


    Love it, sounds fast, looks fast with those stripes. Is it loud?
  22. what the fuck dude? is your name taz? were you just a crack baby? i have no interest in "ck." ing your site. go home
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