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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Glad this Russia nothing burger is being exposed. Are we honestly all telling ourselves that we actually care or are you libs just regurgitating what the media is feeding you? There is no ethics in modern politics. Why are we applying those standards to people that do not and will not abide by them? The clintons work deals on private planes with AGs, the trump shit son meets with a 4 time removed lawyer that has ties to everyone and their grandmother. He intended to get dirt on Clinton, so what? Clinton did the same thing with that cleaning lady. Who fucking cares. That's the game they both wanted to play. Trump was the cockroach in this scenario and outlasted her and will likely outlast this too. It's really boiling down to the media trying to make people like me give a shit. I don't. I think that are quickly realizing that too.
  2. I agree - This will be cool to watch!
  3. Can I get the first right of refusal when you want to sell in the next decade or ever? haha
  4. Yup, Ross family. Good people too
  5. Link does not work on my phone. Anyone else having an issue?
  6. I bought my house in Nashville in sept 2016. Recent appraisal is $60k over what I paid. I was able to get the house mainly because it was a cash deal and closed in 8 days. The seller was out of country and didn't want to deal with it anymore. Needless to say, the market is almost identical to Columbus, just hotter. Everything under $450k is going for cash. I don't think ill ever sell this house. Its nuts here.
  7. my neighbor has the 4 door one. It looks silly. Like a shitty kit car.
  8. I think I'm going to order one
  9. Hahaha probably some project managers kid Where can I place an order for one? I'm going to get the full package with the track box and everything.
  10. This is a sad day in the industry. He was an amazing vocalist and performer.
  11. Pull your head out of your ass. Are we even living in the same country? The left media are sharks. Any chance/reason they will try to impeach him. They are so beside themselves that Hillary lost. This is their only choice. America collectively said fuck you to the liberal agenda and the pendulum swung the other way. This will not last, just as Obama did not last. I vote/form opinion based on what will effect me the most (usually taxes). I would suggest you and greg stop getting so emotionally involved with politics/politicians (trust me, they don't give shit about you). Once you start looking at life through that lens, you are able to sit back and look at all of this garbage objectively. Don't over think this. You are doing what the left media needs you to do.....freak out.
  12. So what you are saying is the left media and trump were made for each other? Feeding off each others bullshit and spreading more and more bullshit? Never would have guessed.
  13. of course the leaks keep coming out. true, false, it doesn't matter. Its a game of firsts for these people. The media can say whatever they want from a "verified" source. Once it hits the web and people start sharing the story, its like a terrible game of telephone. The left media will say literally anything as long as it make trump look bad. Its the only way they can stay relevant.
  14. great place to explore a bus, plane, giant catfish - love that place
  15. There are more and more independents being converted each day. If you affiliate with either party you should kick yourself in the face.
  16. trump could cure cancer and the libs would roast him for it
  17. :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy:
  18. they always seemed expensive to me?
  19. oh8sti

    Iron Pony

    Thank you guys! I will reach out. I appreciate it!
  20. oh8sti

    Iron Pony

    Hey Guys, I am looking for the best contact at Iron Pony to help me and a friend get some Polaris RZR's/Rangers. If I remember, the owners son is on here? Any help here would be awesome!
  21. Look at the Tahoe/Yukon pricing. It's the same as Cadillac.
  22. bingo - I won't buy new just for this reason. Every year they raise the price of a new Tahoe/yukon/escalade by $2,000 for no reason. In 2003 a new Escalade premium cost $54,000 and change. In 2013 a New Escalade premium cost $74,000 and change. Thats not economical inflation. Thats a fat hog about to get slaughtered. This pricing model is true for most new cars that aren't a fucking Kia. They are pricing themselves out.
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