Each RMG telemarketing call you received will have a maximum value of $300. You may file a claim for up to three calls per telephone number included in the Call Records. This means that your maximum payment amount could be $900 per telephone number. Although payment amounts could be $300-$900, actual payment amounts will be based on the total number of calls and valid Claim Forms received. For example:
• If, after deducting attorneys’ fees and expenses, the incentive award, and settlement administration costs, the amount needed to pay all valid claims is less than the balance of the Settlement Fund, then each Settlement Class Member who submits a valid Claim Form will receive $300 per call for up to three calls, and the remaining funds will be donated cy pres to the National Consumer Law Center (http://www.nclc.org) or other approved recipient.
• If, after deducting attorneys’ fees and expenses, the incentive award, and settlement administration costs, the amount needed to pay all valid claims is greater than the Settlement Fund Ceiling, then each Settlement Class Member who submits a valid Claim Form will receive a proportionately reduced payment amount, meaning each Settlement Class Member will receive the same reduced payment amount per call for up to three calls.
Basically, we are all getting $7.00. awesome