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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Thanks guys! Took a little while to find the right one. When I found it I knew I needed to pull the trigger.
  2. I resized them to be smaller - still huge - your welcome!
  3. Hey Guys, I pulled the trigger on a new 2018 Raptor. Ive wanted one for a while and really didn't like my Tacoma for what my needs are. Here are some pics - Leadfoot 802A package Carbon Fiber interior Upgraded - but still stupid looking wheels Truck is incredibly fast for how big it is. So far I love this truck - it wasn't cheap, but its got some pretty awesome features. The suspension is incredible. Plans are to level it out, change the wheels and tires and tint the front windows and front windshield. Fits like a glove haha
  4. The same ESPN that owns the SEC? Got it
  5. your nuts. Georgia is the second best team in the SEC? They are trash.
  6. Shop here in Nashville has a shelf full of them. A reporter came in from the local news came in ans started asking about slidefires while I was there. The owner of the shop told him “we don’t sell those types of things”. All the reporter had to do was walk around the store and he would have seen the entire shelf haha Slide fires and gat cranks are stupid unless you are 10 years old. Ammo is too expensive.
  7. oh8sti

    RIP Tom Petty

    Cocaine I didn’t see this personally - I just heard from guys closer to him. It takes nothing away from him as an artist. To have a career this long in a brutal industry, you need something to keep you ticking.
  8. oh8sti

    RIP Tom Petty

    For those that care .... Tom Petty was a client of mine - sad news. Not surprised. He loved his Snow White and Dr. Pepper
  9. Im always interested in a good deal - more detailed, unfiltered pictures would be a helpful start.
  10. Each RMG telemarketing call you received will have a maximum value of $300. You may file a claim for up to three calls per telephone number included in the Call Records. This means that your maximum payment amount could be $900 per telephone number. Although payment amounts could be $300-$900, actual payment amounts will be based on the total number of calls and valid Claim Forms received. For example: • If, after deducting attorneys’ fees and expenses, the incentive award, and settlement administration costs, the amount needed to pay all valid claims is less than the balance of the Settlement Fund, then each Settlement Class Member who submits a valid Claim Form will receive $300 per call for up to three calls, and the remaining funds will be donated cy pres to the National Consumer Law Center (http://www.nclc.org) or other approved recipient. • If, after deducting attorneys’ fees and expenses, the incentive award, and settlement administration costs, the amount needed to pay all valid claims is greater than the Settlement Fund Ceiling, then each Settlement Class Member who submits a valid Claim Form will receive a proportionately reduced payment amount, meaning each Settlement Class Member will receive the same reduced payment amount per call for up to three calls. Basically, we are all getting $7.00. awesome
  11. I live in Nashville. Let me know who all comes down!
  12. If its true that NK is nuclear armed, this isn't even the same conversation as it was 10 years ago. You know that, I know that, Kim fucking knows that. What do you suggest the response to NK is when they say they have nuclear weapons and they want to wipe the US off the face of the earth? Do you suggest we ignore them? Considering the possibly that they could in fact have nuclear weapons? No - you don't suggest that because thats retarded. You respond with "If you so much as destroy a blade of grass on any US territory or soil, we will wipe you and your shitty country off the face of the earth."
  13. Bolt, Volt, Molt - whatever any other car company wants to call their EV You also have an android. Sooooo.... You could think the Model S looks like a Hyundai, but 10's of millions of other people that would buy one do not.
  14. The volt is the flip phone of EV's The Teslas are very much the iPhone of the car industry. It's not a "better" car, it's sexier. If you guys don't understand that, than we can't talk about this anymore. They are terrifying all the old guards.
  15. Im all for it - Just not interested to wait in line to place a deposit. Im looking at the Model X anyway. I just don't see the need for a small car unless its 2 door and its just me and maybe my dogs.
  16. I think you read the ad wrong. The price is $1200 for members.
  17. Don't verts with this mileage go for much less? Like $15k?
  18. Crazy to think about - was just hanging out with him and his kids at a twenty one pilots show this winter. He was a huge fan of the guys. Never would have guess he would do this. His kids will be devastated when they are old enough to realize what he did.
  19. I sleep great at night because I expect very little out of anyone other than myself and those closest to me. I came in here to post about it because it was interesting that this was a huge deal 48hours ago, but now, it's a not. Why the change of heart? Lock trump up if you think there's a case! Don't just talk, do it. But, locking him up is also something I don't care about haha! Trump is a terrible, shitty person that shouldn't be in public office. That just tells you how shitty the clintons are. That's hard to come to terms with, I understsnd that. You are smarter than that. You don't need to find validation in the government or bullshit politics. You can offer your family and friends more than that. You will never get ahead in life if you can't focus on the things you have control over.
  20. the emails were supposed to take trump down and look, we already don't care.
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