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Everything posted by oh8sti
LeBron: ‘We're At The Point Where A Girl Can't Even Stab Her Friends Anymore’ https://thegloriousamerican.com/featured/lebron-were-at-the-point-where-a-girl-cant-even-stab-her-friends-anymore/ some of these headlines had me rolling
Wow. Anyone see lebrons now deleted tweet? It’s a picture of the officer with the words “YOU’RE NEXT” on it.....I hope that cop sues the fuck out of lebron. Totally unacceptable and reckless. https://www.tmz.com/2021/04/21/lebron-james-youre-next-instagram-post-national-police-senator-nba/
im honestly dumbfounded by anyone that says "she was 16! He murdered her!" I understand emotions are running high, but that doesnt mean you take your objective glasses off and go against the police in any and every situation. The crazy part to me is this girl called the cops (supposedly) for help, when the cops showed up, she decided to attack the first girl, try to stab her, which victim #1 falls back to the ground right in front of the officer, the assailant then turns and goes after girl in pink, victim #2, raises her knife hand in a stabbing motion and as she is coming down with it, about to plunge the knife into the pink girl the cop puts her down. Before the cops released the BWC footage, the parents were calling for injustice and setting the narrative in motion that this was murder. They need to be held accountable for that. Its wrong and dangerous seeing what can happen with crowds destroying communities over what they perceive as injustice. Taking up this fight is damaging to the legitimate police brutality cases out there where a cops DID do something wrong. Its taking people that normally would be sympathetic to the cause and turning them away because this isn't a hard case to figure out. Just like the George Floyd case, we have clear video of exactly what happened. You could use the same premise the prosecutors in that case used, use your common sense, the video is there for you to watch and its clear she tried to murder 2 people IN FRONT OF THE POLICE.
The weird part is that the original news on his death DID say he did not die at the hands of the protesters, but it that quickly changed when there was political use for his death. I’ll have to go back and see what your are referencing - you could be right.
In regards to Sicknick - it was tragic, but he didn’t die from the protesters. We were told he was, but recent information has confirmed that it was natural causes. On your condemnation of Waters, noted loud and clear. Maybe she should be taken off social platforms? Back to the George Floyd case - I do think chauvin is guilty, I don’t want anyone to think otherwise. He made the choice to not move, whether it was pride, ego, ignorance, idk, he made the choice to stay out. He should serve his time for that.
I think it needed to go this way or else we would see summer 2020 x100. Nothing would keep the horde at bay but a full conviction on all counts. At this point, maybe this is the best outcome. It undoubtedly saves many lives and many businesses from the riots all over the country that would have taken place without a full conviction like Waters was threatening. I’m surprised the more liberal minded in this thread have been so quiet about what Waters did, but were very vocal about the danger from trumps words. If you find one unacceptable, you must find the other as well.
This is worse than what Trump said and she won’t even get a slap on the wrist. Let alone she might be the reason Chauvin gets a mistrial regardless of the verdict. What an idiot. The liberal mob is feasting on itself.
I believe that was Westerville PD that did the initial arrest, so that falls on them. Good on CPD for finding it. Seems like the guy was trying to hide the gun in between his thighs possibly behind his balls?
Biden just called Hideki Matsuyama a "Japanese Boy" when referencing him winning the Masters right to the Japanese Prime Minister's face. This racist pedo just cant get the boys and girls off his mind..
“Ghost guns” are a non issue - not used in major events or in any notable event. It’s a hobbyist market. Pistol braces - also not a real issue. The Colorado shooter had no advantage when using the gun in a 10” barrel instead of a 16” barrel. He got out of his car and started shooting. There was not a concealable advantage. In fact, it probably made it harder being less accurate. Also, SBR’s should be removed from the NFA. There are millions of braces in existence, it is a common use weapon. Making millions of upstanding citizens felons overnight is a mistake and will only hurt the heat up even more on a very, very sweaty situation.
More unconstitutional bullshit coming from Biden tomorrow on guns. Goodie.
Shit I love that color and car
sad to hear this - im moving back to Columbus in early June and was looking forward to seeing everyone again.
you're missing it here - Im using the dems argument for why minorities cant get ID's to vote and how thats racist (I dont believe that to be true). But if you are screaming thats a racist policy, but also saying minorities need to get a vaccine passport to travel freely around the country and do basic things like eating in a restaurant and going to football games, thats blatant hypocrisy at best that proves they dont actually care about these groups of people unless they are voting them into power. Once that happens, minorities get screwed.
Sounds like Biden is going to make this vaccine passport something you have to have in order to travel and or go to large scale events. If so, it needs to be struck down immediately in the courts. How could anyone with a functioning brain not see how racists and discriminatory this will be to require a vaccine and proof of a vaccine to get into a football game, get on a plane or have a business operate? Does the left think people won’t see the hypocrisy in caring about minorities?
I get that - it’s a bullshit excuse, but I get it. His policies have had a direct negative impact on the US. He should probably focus less on vengeance and more on the crisis he created at the border.
I think its important to keep this in perspective though and use the data we have available to date. Biden criticized trump for doing the exact thing he is doing now though. I thought the left was of a moral fabric that was better than the right?....Does he all the sudden have no shame about lying to the faces of the people that elected him? Trumps first 60 days - 17 EO's, 4 prior Obama orders revoked Bidens first 60 days - 37 EO's, 61prior trump order revoked Who did CNN breathlessly call a dictator by executive order?....
I want Biden to do well. I want him to unite the country on common ground. But, we are watching a woke dictator emerge. He doesn’t want compromise. He wants to rule via executive order. The woke horde doesn’t want to compromise or have logical discussions either. They want blood. I’m really not sure how they expect conservatives, indys and right leaning lefts are going to respond to that.
Anyone else finding this constant media/social pushed narrative of white supremacy strange? The Atlanta shootings sparked a huge conversation over Asian hate crimes (even though there is no indication the shooter targeted the women due to race, that we know of yet). Well, something odd was showing up in the data. The media was telling us it was white people committing racist and violent acts towards Asians, but the arrest records show that’s it’s actually fellow POC that are being arrested for violence, hate and murder of Asians. Was the media just saying “hey, this is a problem!” But not wanting to highlight the perps of this hate? I honestly don’t know the answer. Another strange thing that happened is when you use the definition of “mass shooting” according to the left, the data looks very convincing that it is not white men committing mass shootings. Now, I will be the first to state their definition of mass shooting is intended to show as many as they can to justify gun control, but the reality is it’s showing how few white people are involved in that definition of “mass shooting”.
its actually classified exactly the way the law is written. It is also enforced. I have several restricted NFA items. The SBR needs to be taken off NFA list. Its no longer a novelty gun. It is a common use weapon used by civilians and police. There is no advantage to that weapon in lethality compared to a standard 16" barrel AR. In fact, you could argue you are at a disadvantage with a shorter barrel due to lack of accuracy at longer distances. Same with suppressors. Those need to be taken off as well. There should be no regulation on short barreled guns whatsoever. Its idiotic and makes 0 sense. This is a preference in appearance IMO. Some people want a Mini Cooper, others want a Tahoe. They both do the same thing, but the guy wanting the Mini Cooper likes that style and size more than the Tahoe. The boulder guy had no advantage using a pistol variant of the AR. Lets not let the media, who knows little to nothing about current gun laws and regulation, tell you what to be afraid of. Also, he should have never been approved to buy the gun in the first place. Thats a failure of the systems in place. Not a failure of the object that was used. Adding more regulation to a failing system compounds the issue and brings law abiding people into the line of fire that have no reason in being there.
neither of these things are an issue. The shooter in colorado bought his gun from a store 6 days before the shooting. He somehow passed a background check with his history. If you would've said something like "he shouldn't have passed a background check, that needs to be looked at" I would have had a conversation about that. But the fact that you brought up 2 things that have little to no relevance to mass shootings tells me you don't care and you just want something scary/foreign to you banned or heavily regulated.
If Biden actually cared about the gun laws that exist, maybe enforce them? Let’s start with Hunter. Lying on a 4473 is a felony. I’m sure tons of people have done it before. But I’m not aware of someone as high profile as the presidents son doing it. Make it clear that your spoiled drug addict son isn’t above federal law and let him be charged for it. Imagine some lowlife that was about to buy a gun by lying on a 4473 seeing that. I bet he/she would think twice before doing it. That might help his gun control argument. If he doesn’t, well, it’s pretty clear it isn’t about safety or the children. The 2A is unique to America in the sense that it’s not about hunting, it’s not about militias. It’s purely a mechanism that allows the people to hold the govt in check when they purpose unconstitutional agendas. IMO there should be a massive focus on mental health and how you deal with those people. Banning guns from normal, law abiding people makes no sense whatsoever and has no scientific data to support that it would make any positive difference in crime rates. The very fact that he came out and now wants to force congress to act on banning semi automatic weapons should make everyone very uncomfortable. It’s unconstitutional and needs to be stopped immediately.
What’s crazy to me is assault rifles are already heavily regulated through the NFA act. What Biden wants to do is ban semi automatic rifles and pistols. It’s simple as that. He wants the world to be a single shot 00 buck world because he doesn’t understand the constitution that this country was founded on. He needs to be removed before he creates a problem that can only be solved by people shooting each other in a civil war.