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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Sorry, I thought that was implied by my answer that yes Biden will be my president, but we live in a world where that is in question by some people. I dont think its wrong in any way to not want higher taxes and for them to keep off the 2A though.
  2. yeah basically its become a meme for overreaction in the realm of "destruction". cop shot a woman in the neck because he was ?scared? of her. Thats the violence we saw. I suspect that cop and the capitol police will be sued over it and lose a load of money. Very tragic honestly. But we will let the resident legal counsel tell us what is right/wrong about it before we make any determinations. other than that, a few benches, a few chairs, a few selfies in nancys office, a broken window and some yelling middle aged white, black, mexican people really did a number on that building :dumb:
  3. Pick it up boys! The moral king has arrived! Bend the knee! It's incredible how wrong you are, but you'll never concede that. Its not in your blood. You went to school to become an expert at arguing your superior masturbatory moral compass. You are so offended that I find the though of someone taking a shit on nancys desk? You've lost it bud.
  4. Not sure if thats directed at me or not. I hope he does well for the country. I dont think that means to me when it means to the left, but if doesnt infringe on the 2A in any way and doesnt tax me into an oblivion I can support him. I dont think he/the foaming left will shy away from the "eat the rich" and the "hell yeah im gonna take your AR15" tho..
  5. they condemn on Aug 27th? Uhhhh this shit was pretty well on its way by then. They should have condemned June 2nd or earlier. I can provide links and videos of trump condemning white supremacy/violence too but that didnt stop the media from incessantly asking him every day if he will condemn it. Do you see now how silly it is that you demand apologies from everyone in this thread that disagrees with you? I dont give a shit if you apologize. Apply the same standards to your democrat leadership that you have applied to republicans the last 4 years. I think if everyone did that we actually might make some progress.
  6. the democrat/liberal silence during the 6 months of destruction was more than enough to know its clear you supported it. Are you going to apologize to everyone in this thread now?
  7. We’re gonna keep this shit goin!
  8. A brown ragdoll would have been better IMO
  9. Someone really missed a huge opportunity to leave a Cleveland steamer on Nancy’s desk.
  10. Honestly, that’s hilarious so....
  11. I think its reasonable to think these are the same people. What we dont know is are these people antifa antagonists or are they trump supporters. Thats a fair statement. but to brush it off and say "I dont even recognize them" is silly. You could have said something like "these photos are possibly doctored", which I would say, maybe.
  12. Spitballin here on the fly. Been watching the shit show all day - Should they have entered into the capital? No. The peaceful protesting was getting enough attention. Are they terrorists? No. Don’t dilute that term like the left has diluted racism. If this group of people wanted to be violent or terroristic, you would fucking know my guys. It would start a war. This was nothing more than show of numbers to say “we are where and we don’t agree”. I don’t support it in any way, but I refuse to call it something that it was not. MSM is screaming about violence while showing the crowd literally just walking around the grounds of the building, no screaming, no fighting, just waving flags lol that’s it. That’s all it took for MAGAs to scare everyone? Holy shit. Your talking about a group of heavily armed (not at this event) and mildly trained individuals. If they wanted to get violent it would be crystal clear. They were so hellbent on destruction that they stayed inside the stanchions while walking through the rotunda lol. Was it scary? Sure. Mainly because of what we have seen other groups do in similar situations over the last 6 months. These aren’t the same people. I would argue most of these people have something to lose. That can’t be said for the BLM/Antifa crowd IMO.
  13. I’m not talking about the drink...
  14. I mean, if I move back to Columbus, sure, I dont have any issue with that. I have met a lot of the active members here that wouldn't think twice to do that. if I give $100 to each person in this thread, do I at least get an old fashioned?
  15. No prank here - I should have been more clear in my thinking/typing. It was late, I was coming off a Warzone win, feeling good. They aren't lying. ill state that and leave it there. I dont think you are a liar greg. As far as I know, you dont lack character. I think you are a smart guy that tires to be objective, as do I. The problem is we tend to both see and shape our opinions based on bias. I can admit that. I really try to fight that, but I miss the mark sometimes. Ashton isnt waiting in the other room to pop out and punk anyone.
  16. Maybe even an extra $1400 or whatever he was pushing Pelosi and Mitch to get
  17. then call them out. Never seen it from you or anyone else in this thread. That implies you only care if trump does it. Forget about the Biden inauguration thing. They weren't "lying". It was more of a laughing situation because its convenient that he doesn't have to put on this huge inauguration that no one really cares about. They were just using COVID as a shield IMO, which I get, just think is funny.
  18. you think your party doesnt lie. Thats why it doesnt make sense to you.
  19. neither are 100% right. they both have a position that serves to protect themselves, so they cling to it.
  20. Greg, some men just want to watch the world burn. These people are the worst. Every single one of them. Pelosi, Trump, Biden/Harris, Pence, you name them. They dont care about you or I, they care about themselves. Fuck them all. They all lie to our faces, everyone is just focused on trump and he is just bad at it. Thats why I dont care. I expect to be lied to by politicians. I expect to be lied to by MSM. They have proven to serve themselves.
  21. by all means, do your thing, impeach away, yell about the constitution, justify your feelings anyway you want. Im saying that I dont buy the narrative of this story by WAPO and failing another impeachment only makes the purpose of impeachment mean that much less each time a president of any party says or does something people dont like.
  22. I dont have an issue with him releasing it - Release away! Im not concerned with the call because the context of the call itself is being misrepresented by CNN, WAPO etc to get clicks and drum up something to scream about. Trump has been and always will be a terrible speaker, publicly and privately. He thinks hes being smart, but he almost always sounds like an idiot when trying to split hairs on subjects he doesnt know much about. The spin was put on the original story, so trump spins the spin and around and around we go. Thats Politics in the US. Happened with hunters shit, happened with Swalwells shit, happens with trumps seemingly never ending waterfall of shit.
  23. Context is always important....That’s probably why you don’t see anyone on the right giving a shit about it after listening to the full recording. Good luck with the impeachment though, go nuts, really. https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=IES1_1609774899
  24. thats a long post to say "please dont hold this admin accountable...I promise they are doing everything right, Biden says so."
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